Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Fashion Design

Fashion Design School

Designers Women's Fashion

Fashion Design 2011

Modern Fashion Design

The history of fashion back in the early 19th century, when designing a product of the dresses were worn at the Royal Court, over time, Charles Frederick Worth, a fashion designer first. established by his first fashion house in Paris. The Fashion Design Trends of a huge influence on people he described them as the design of the "house of values." As a result, design has become synonymous with the brand in particular.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Count Your Acids and Bases NOT Your Calories or Fat!

Count Your Acids And Bases

-- Not Your Calories Or Fat – And

You’ll Lose Weight And Prevent Disease

“It is clear to me how this way of eating can totally change your life. It’s a revelation, a way of looking at the world in a new light. It affects the way we look at ourselves, and disease, and how the food we pit into our bodies affects everything we do.” -- Jane Clayson, CBS News

“In The pH Miracle, Dr. Young may have discovered the true key to long life and health. It is simple and even spiritual in its approach, and is founded on the truth your mother tried to give you: eat your vetegables! -- James Redfield, author, best-selling The Celestine Prophecy

“Perfect for women who’ve tried everything.” -- First Magazine

“Tired? Bloated? Can’t Lose Weight? A pH imbalance may be to blame! Lose 25 lbs. in 4 weeks on the revolutionary new pH Miracle Diet! Breakthrough research shows that the acidity of common foods is making us sick, tired and very fat. Restoring ideal health and reaching an ideal weight is as easy as building your meals around foods that neutralize acid.” -- Woman’s World Magazine

“Shelley Young’s recipes will help you to alkalize your body and live a healthier, more energized, and ultimately more fulfilling life.” -- Anthony Robbins, best- selling author of Awaken The Giant Within and Unlimited Power

“Filled with sensible science in an easy-to-read format, flexible guidelines, and delicious recipes…a must read.” -- Verne Varona, author of Nature’s Cancer-Fighting Foods

“A diet that focuses on weight-loss, fats, or calories will not necessarily lead to better health or even a slimmer body,” says Dr. Robert O. Young, an internationally respected microbiologist and innovative author of the best-selling book series, The pH Miracle.

“Instead, you must focus on how acidic your body is. The resulting diet change will inevitably lead to better weight control, and more importantly, disease-free life.”

He has appeared on CNN, Fox, CBS, and has been featured by other national media for his revolutionary and breakthrough science, believes a lot of weight problems and diseases can be done away with – without pills, surgery, or invasive therapy.

Dr. Young:

  • Reveals how weight-loss is not about fat, but acid. Forget about fat grams, carbs, cholesterol hormone levels or even calories. Reaching your ideal weight and maximum state of health is simply a matter of maintaining the delicate pH balance of your blood.
  • Offers a balanced diet and exercise plan to help you shed unhealthy pounds, energize your body, and ward off many diseases.
  • Explains how one’s body chemistry is greatly influenced by diet and shows the ramifications of being in or out of balance.

“The standard American diet could be killing you,” warns Dr. Young. That may sound like a strong statement, but the facts back it up. Oversized portions of over-processed foods have created diets loaded with calories that are deplorably lacking in the vital nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. “We are living in an epidemic of obesity and increased occurrences of diseases like diabetes, atherosclerosis, and cancer. Yet all of that can be changed by a few simple changes in our lifestyle,” says Dr. Young.

The statistics on the state of America’s health are troublesome:

  • Nearly two-thirds of adult Americans are overweight or obese. The rate of obesity has doubled in just 40 years. 1 in 9 males weigh 250+ pounds; 1 in 6 women are 200+ .
  • 45% of adult American women and 30% of adult American men—at any given time— are actually trying to lose weight.
  • 15% of American children are overweight or obese. 9 million children are overweight and another seven million are at risk—triple the numbers of just a few decades ago.

In their books, renowned nutritionist Dr. Young, and Shelley Redford Young look at three vital changes that you can make in your life. These changes in turn will give you increased health, stamina and protection from illness.

Now Robert O. Young, Ph.D, in partnership with his wife, Shelley, share their revolutionary and effective diet program for balancing your body chemistry to help you achieve incredible health.

He explains how:

  • To choose which Acidic and Alkaline foods to eat or avoid—and why.
  • To get rid of the harmful bacteria, yeast, and mold that is in your body.
  • Exercise can actually make you fat—unless you do it the right way.
  • A liquid detox cleanses your body of impurities, normalizes digestion and metabolism.
  • To make sure you drink plenty of water—but only the pure and safe kind.
  • You should ignore the fatphobes and keep plenty of healthy oils in your diet.
  • You can build lean muscle and maintain healthy bones without a lot of proteins and dairy.
  • To select, shop for, and calculate the dosage of supplements that’s ideal for your body.

Dr. Young helps you say goodbye to low energy, poor digestion, excess weight, aches, pains, and disease, and say hello to a new way of living, eating, and thinking that will bring you vigor, mental clarity, overall health, and a lean, trim body.

Dr. Young, the co-author of eight books including the best selling pH Miracle series, speaks to audiences around the world on health and wellness. He holds a degree in microbiology and nutrition. He has devoted his life to researching the causes of disease and helping people reclaim their health and well-being. He is head of the pH Miracle Research and Health Education Foundation and has gained national recognition for his research into diabetes, cancer, leukemia, and AIDS.

Contact Information: Paul Ryan Productions: Paul Ryan

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Robert O. Young, PhD., D.Sc.


Dr. Robert O. Young is one of the world’s leading experts on disease prevention and weight loss based on placing the body in an acid-alkaline balance, and has shared his life’s results in microbiology and nutrition in eight books, including the best-selling The pH Miracle.

Dr. Young has devoted his last 30 years of research to the causes of disease, measures of prevention, and to helping rebalance the health and well-being of people. He has been widely recognized as one of the top research scientists in the world. As a microbiologist, he has investigated the links between over-acidification of the body and the development of morbid microorganisms (bacteria, yeast, fungus, and mold), whose metabolic poisons produce the wide range of symptoms we generally call “diseases.”

He has been featured in numerous media, including Fox-TV Evening News, Fox-TV Health Tips, CBS-TV Early Show, CNN-TV Sunday Evening News, CNN-Radio, Self magazine, Fitness, Let’s Live magazine, First magazine, and Woman’s World magazine.

He heads the pH Miracle Research Center, dedicated to the healing arts. He is a member of the American Society of Microbiologists and the American Naturopathic Association. He conducts classes in “live blood analysis” and the “New Biology.” His empowering new biology that allows people to become healthy once again is a practical program for the restoration of health. It’s a revolution in science and medicine. As head of the pH Miracle Research Center and Health Education Foundation, he has gained national recognition for his research into diabetes, cancer, leukemia, and AIDS. His proprietary Mycotoxic/Oxydative Stress Test reliably predicts the onset of degenerative conditions. He is also a pioneer in colloidal technology.

His research findings have been published in numerous professional journals, including, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. He has lectured at many colleges across the country and abroad, including The Women’s College of Beijing in China, Oxford University in UK, and Harvard University.

With an MS in Nutrition, a Ph.D in philosophy of nutrition, and a D.Sc. in chemistry and biology, Dr. Young has been the keynote speaker at medical and health gatherings throughout the world. Dr. Young has been honored with an invitation to sit on the Vegetarian and Fasting Committee for NASA’s earth and space mission, and is currently working with research scientists at the University of Puerto Rico and the Center of Diabetes Puerto Rico, seeking a potential cure for Type I and Type II diabetes.

Dr. Young, whose great, great grandfather was Brigham Young, and whose cousins include NFL Hall of Famer Steve Young and Academy Award, Winning Actor Robert Redford, is a member of the American Society of Microbiologists and the American Naturopathic Association. He resides in SD, CA. For more information, consult

Dr. Robert O. Young

Q & A

1) What is a pH Miracle? A pH Miracle is the truly remarkable transformation one can experience by following my simple program. As we’ve seen time and time again, someone in the poorest of health—chronically sick or suffering from disease, fatigued and often plagued by weight issues—can actually reverse his or her symptoms and achieve vibrant health by following my alkaline lifestyle and diet program.

2) What is the theory of the pH Miracle? Illness, fatigue, weight issues and generally poor health are caused by one thing--an imbalance in the body’s pH levels. Without the proper foods, fluids and lifestyle, our blood and tissues can become too acidic and we become sick. However, we can overcome even some of the most dramatic health issues simply by alkalizing (or adjusting) the pH level of the fluids in our bodies through proper diet and lifestyle.

3) How important is it to maintain the pH of the fluids of the body? Everyone knows the number 98.6. To be healthy, our body must maintain that temperature. Well, 7.365 is just as magic a number. It’s the delicate number that measures the delicate pH balance of the fluids in the body. If that number goes up or down, we start to feel lousy. Anyone who’s ever taken care of pet fish knows that the pH level of a salt water aquarium is of utmost importance for the fish. If the water becomes acidic the fish dies because it’s only as healthy as the water in which it swims. While we humans won’t go belly up right away if our pH balance swings up or down, our health can still suffer immensely by our gaining weight, developing diabetes, heart disease, etc.

4) How do you measure the pH of the blood, urine or saliva? Your doctor can send your blood to a lab to check its pH levels, but it’s also possible to use pH Hydrion paper to measure your levels through your urine. You can find pH papers at your local pharmacy or at

5) What foods affect the pH in a positive way? All green vegetables and fruits like broccolli, spinach, avocado, cucumber, celery, leafy greens, sea salt, etc.

6) What foods affects the pH in a negative way? Meats such as beef, chicken and pork; dairy foods; fermented foods such as vinegar; grains and fruits that are high in sugar.

7 ) How does exercise and what kinds of exercises help to maintain the pH? Exercise helps to remove toxins from the body. When you exercise the process of sweating actually flushes acids out of the tissues by way of the lymphatic system, then through the circulatory system and then eventually through the urinary tract system. When you move metabolic or digestive acids out of the body you are helping the body maintain its fluids’ delicate pH balance. In the book, I outline a simple workout using a rebounder and I also talk about the importance of stretching.

8 ) Why is America so fat? It’s not about the fat, it’s actually about the acid. Americans are simply overly acidic. When the body’s blood and tissues are too acidic, it is simply not receiving the nutrients it needs to function properly. This sends us into what’s called the “emergency preservation” mode, which tricks our bodies into retaining fat in order to protect our organs. And, retaining all this fat unnecessarily makes us, you guessed it—fat. We are a fat food nation.

9 ) In America we have more medicine but less health -- why? Essentially, doctors and the pharmaceutical companies are not going to the source of health problems. The current Western medical model does not understand or accept the reality that what we call “disease” is nothing more than the expression of imbalanced body chemistry. The human cell is only as healthy as its surrounding alkaline environment. But instead of taking measures to simply stop the formation of irregular cells that make us sick in the first place (an overly acidic body), mainstream medicine is waiting for unhealthy cells to develop and then trying to kill them once they exist.

Additional Suggested Interview Questions

1) So what you speak of is nothing short of revolutionary when it comes to how we come to view health. What will it take to get the government, the medical profession, and ordinary people to catch on? In order for this message of healing to catch on I must have a forum to share these new revolutionary ideas. Personally I perceive the most powerful forum is the local, national and international media who can open the door to this new way of living, eating and thinking and in doing so empower every person on this planet with the knowledge to determine their own quality and quantity of health and life.

2) Where do you see healthcare in this country in 10 years? The tide is already changing where more and more people are finding other ways of healing alternative to traditional allopathic medicine. I believe that in the near future that scientists and lay people will understand that the cures of sickness and disease are not found in a treatment but in their prevention by making better lifestyle and dietary choices.

3) We are so preoccupied with creating drugs to contain disease, but are you saying the focus really needs to be on nutrition and acid balance in the body? I am saying that the human body was designed to be alkaline but is acidic by function. We need to understand that the most important factor we need to check and manage is the delicate pH balance of the internal fluids of the body to maintain outstanding health, energy and vitality. Just like our cars – they are alkaline by design but acidic by function. When they burn gasoline for energy they produce an acid called carbon monoxide. If the carbon monoxide is not eliminated through the exhaust system then the car will breakdown and die. And so it is with all of us. The human organism needs fuel for energy to breath, think and move. If the waste products of energy consumption for breathing, thinking and moving are not eliminate and the delicate alkaline pH balance is not maintain then we will also breakdown and eventually become sick, tired and die.

4) Why do you believe many different cancers are preventable, based on diet alone? In my research I have found that cancer is not a cell but is an acidic liquid that spoils and breaks down our tissue. Cancer cells are cells that are spoiled from excess acidity and the lack of alkalinity in the fluids of the body. If we want to prevent cancer we must manage out thoughts, our words and our deeds and realize that cancer is not something we get it is something we do. Cancer is the consequence of poor lifestyle and dietary choices!

5) When the flu season is going strong, that so many people – without a flu shot – don’t get the flu? The flu is the body’s way of eliminating excess acids through our elimination organs. It is a good thing and the body’s way of eliminating excess acids through the pores of the skin. When we make acidic lifestyle and dietary choices such as drinking or eating over-acidic foods the body can induce a fever to open up the pores of the skin to eliminate the excess acidity by sweating. The aches, pains or chills we feel are the result of excess tissue acidity that has not been properly eliminated through urination, defecation, respiration or perspiration. The bottom line here is that the flu is not a thing caused by some phantom virus but an imbalance of the delicate pH balance of the fluids of the body. I find it interesting that the flu season is also the season that many people over-indulge in acidic foods like alcohol, meat and sugar. The cause of the symptoms of the flu is the over-acidification of the blood and then the tissue due to an inverted way of living, eating and thinking.

6) How have we corrupted the digestive process? The digestive process is acidic and harmful to our tissues and organs. That is why I have suggested from my research, that the stomach is an organ of contribution not an organ of digestion and its may purpose is to produce an alkaline buffer called sodium bicarbonate to alkalize our food in preparation for the small intestine at a pH of 8.4. When we support the alkaline design of our bodies by making better alkaline food and drink choices we reduce the amount of sodium bicarbonate that is produced by the stomach to alkalize our food and at the same time reduce the waste product of sodium bicarbonate production – hydrochloric acid that causes stomach upset, irritation, nausea, acid reflux, ulcers and stomach cancer.

7) What steps can we take to attain harmony and health? When we understand this most important truth that the human body is alkaline by design and acidic by function we can then make better lifestyle and dietary choices. Harmony and health is not something you get it is something that you do and they only way to do it is by making alkaline lifestyle and dietary choices.

8)What is bodyecology? Bodyecology is the study of how to prevent disease (preventology) with an environmental or contextual approach – not treating disease but preventing disease by maintaining the delicate alkaline pH balance of fluids of the body.

9) What do we need to know about viruses, bacteria, yeast,/fungus, and mold? That viruses are chemical molecules like snake venom and bacteria, yeast/fungus and mold are biological evolutions of organized matter and cannot possibly be the cause of disease but only the expression of cellular change brought about form internal environmental change in the pH from physical and/or emotional stressors.

10) You emphasize we need to drink a lot of water. How much? What kind? When we are born we are 90% water and when we dead we are about 50% water. You might say we are a bag of water with a little dirt added. When we are acidic we are dehydrated and need to be drinking at least 1 quart of alkaline, 9.5 pH water per 30 pounds of weight in order to support the alkaline design of the human body.

11) What is cellular-level exercise? Cellular exercise is when you are exercising every cell of human body simultaneously. I have found the easiest and most effective way of exercising every cell of the human body simultaneously is with a mini-trampoline. The up and down motion on a mini trampoline expands and compresses every cell of the human body simultaneously giving you the ultimate cellular exercise with little or no skeletal stress.

12) What is an isofalovone, and what role does it play in the healing process?

Isoflavones are a type of “plant hormone” found in high concentrations in soy beans and soy sprouts that help to prevent the growth of hormone-dependent cancers, such as many breast cancers.

Rejuvenate Your Health, Lose Weight, Ward Off Disease, and Energize!

by Robert O. Young

1. Rethink breakfast. Ditch acidic cereals, eggs, baked goods, dairy products, fruit juice, and coffee in favor of the same alkaline foods you’d choose at other times of the day, especially green veggies.

2. Cover three-quarters of your plate at every meal with vegetables.

3. Increase the amount of food you eat raw.

4. Phase out sugary desserts.

5. Eliminate meat.

6. Get off dairy products.

7. Cut out yeast.

8. Get rid of white flour.

9. Switch from white to brown rice.

10. Avoid added sugar.

11. Eat only low-sugar fruits.

12. Check your condiments.

7 Steps To Your Ideal Weight

A New You – Literally – In 12 Weeks

by Robert O. Young

It takes three to four months for the body to recycle all of its blood cells. That is, every three or four months, you have an entirely new supply of blood cells. Consequently, twelve weeks on this program is enough to replace all or most of the blood you have now with blood cells at the peak of health. With healthy blood comes a healthy body – and healthy body has no use for excess pounds. Live The pH Miracle for healthy weight loss and it will change not only your weight but also your life. Forever. You’ll be, literally and figuratively, a different person three months from now.


Your first step toward your ideal weight must be to fully hydrate your body. Drink water! Good water, of course. Alkaline water (pH 9.5 or above). If you don’t have a water machine that will do the job, buy distilled water and add to it sodium bicarbonate, sodium chlorite, or sodium silicate. Every day you need 1 liter of alkaline water for every 30 pounds you weigh. Thus a 210-pound person needs 7 liters a day, a 150-pound person needs 5, and so on.


Eat whole, natural, unprocessed organic foods, and build your diet around green vegetables and healthy fats. You may want to do it gradually, letting your body get accustomed to the new energy you will be providing, and getting rid of acids more slowly, with less chance of the unpleasant symptoms that can result from releasing toxins.


Get the right kind of exercise, in the right amounts. You might consider walking, swimming, bicycling, weight training or using a cross-trainer like an elliptical machine, or other exercise that will help you sweat out excess acids from your body. Whatever you choose, do it at least five times a week for at least fifteen minutes (and for up to an hour) and make sure you sweat. Also, add strength training to your aerobic activity three times a week (on alternate days).


Once you’ve got what you drink and eat on track, the next phase is to add electron-rich supplements. Work up to your full doses gradually. As for the green drink, start by adding just one-quarter of a teaspoon to each liter of water, building up over time to reach the full teaspoon per liter. If you are highly acidic to begin with, try alternating green drink with plain good alkaline water with pH drops initially, and work up to all of your liters containing green powder. Take capsule supplements with food or drink at least six times a day and liquid colloidal supplements under the tongue and before food or drink.


You now have in place the major components of taking care of your physical body, but your journey isn’t complete unless you also take care of your mind, heart, and soul. You must break the cycle of negative thoughts, emotions, and actions that acidify your body as surely as sugar does. Your whole lifestyle needs to be alkalizing, not just your food and exercise but also your relationships, spirituality, and emotional life. Cleanse yourself emotionally, nourish your spirit, reconnect to your true self. All of you, not just your physical body, needs to transition.


The best way to make sure you get where you’re going on any journey is to know where you are in relation to where you want to be. Set a goal for how much weight you would like to lose (or what weight you would ideally be), or what size waist you want to have on your pants, or what dress size you want to wear.


Okay, now you’re ready to start the clock running on your twelve weeks. Consider this “last” step as, actually, the beginning of the cycle. The true pH Miracle for weight loss begins with a two or three-week “cleanse,” or “liquid feast.” Here’s what you do: Eat as much as you want, as often as you want, as long as all your food is green, electron-rich, and pureed or juiced. Be sure to include good fats, like avocados, and olive, flax, and fish oils. You must avoid all acidic foods entirely for the duration of the liquid feast. As usual, as much as possible of what you eat or drink should be raw. Not only will this infusion of alkaline energy rid your body of accumulated toxins and acids, but also it will allow your body to devote all of the energy it would otherwise need for digestion to healing you – from the inside out.

The Best-Selling pH Miracle Series

The pH Miracle for Weight Loss: Balance Your Body Chemistry, Achieve Your Ideal Weight

“Building on the success of their first book, the best-selling The pH Miracle, Dr. Young and his wife turn their attention to what is considered by many health experts as America’s number one health crisis – the growing numbers of people who are seriously overweight or obese. Contrary to other weight-loss books, most notably those such as The Atkins Diet and The South Beach Diet, that low-carbohydrate approach to achieving weight loss, the Youngs maintain that the primary culprit of excessive weight gain, as well as many other health problems is a chronic state of acidity, in the body (with a pH value below 7.1). Shifting the body’s chemistry to a more alkaline pH, they maintain, will quickly and easily result in the loss of excess weight and the build up of more lean muscle tissue.”

The pH Miracle: Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health

“Dr. Young may be on the threshold of a new biology whose principles could revolutionize biology and medicine and potentially help people worldwide. Additional research is desperately needed!” -- Neil Solomon, MD, PhD, director International Council for Caring Communities Health Advisory Board, Non-Governmental Organizations, United Nations

“A real breakthrough! Like all good programs of true worth, this is more than a diet. Followed conscientiously, The pH Miracle delivers where it truly counts the most, not only with weight loss, but also with a healthier body, newfound energy, and a stronger immune system.” -- Harvey Diamond, author, Fit For Life

The pH Miracle for Diabetes: The Revolutionary Lifestyle Plan for Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

“Dr. Young has discovered a brilliant insight to re-create our health, expand our longevity, and feel better fast!” – Mark Victor Hansen, co-creator of the best-selling Chicken Soup for The Soul series

“Dr. Young is a leader in groundbreaking research in nutrition and health.”

Janet Konefal, PhD, Chief, Division of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Miami School of Medicine

Major Story Angles

How Acidic Are You?

The over-acidification of the body sets in motion a destructive cycle of imbalance, overweight, and disease. By balancing your pH level -- which measures how acidic you are – and by reducing your acidity, you will drop those excess pounds and be on your way to health. Your body will let go of excess fat once you keep out and remove the acids. The key is to take in food and drink that are alkaline.

Get Your pH Measured

As with any blood test, you need to get an understanding of your health through measuring what’s in your body. Your pH can be a 1 or 14 or somewhere in between. Ideally, you want to be at about a 7.2. By measuring how acidic you are, you can chart your progress towards eliminating excess weight and warding off disease.

The Importance Of Being Alkaline

Acid/alkaline balance affects a myriad of health concerns, including obesity and other diseases. Practically speaking, getting to – and keeping – your ideal weight requires eating plenty of high-quality, healthful fats and focusing your food choices around green vegetables. The biggest secret of all is actually in what you drink. Keeping your body sufficiently hydrated with the right water makes all the difference.

7-Step Lifestyle Program To Balance Your Body Chemistry

You can change your shape to slim down to your ideal weight – naturally and permanently -- by following a 7-step program. Despite what you may believe, weight loss is not about fat grams, cholesterol, carbs, or calories. It’s all about acid. According to Dr. Robert Young, renowned microbiologist and nutritionist, reaching your ideal weight is simply a matter of maintaining the delicate pH balance of the blood.

Reclaiming Your High Energy Levels

A surprising body-chemical imbalance may be to blame for stubborn fat, low energy, and frequent illness – but there are foods that can rebalance your system quickly. Learn what they are and how to consume them properly.

The Medical Profession Needs To Understand Nutrition

Too often, doctors react to illness with surgery, drugs, or radical treatment. They do not often promote prevention, especially in the form of diet change. And when diet is discussed, usually the concern is placed on weight or fat – not on acidity.

Dr Young's Complete Whole Body Alkalizing Program

Dr. Robert Young’s

Complete Whole Body Alkalzing Program

The Alkalarian Approach To

Optimal Health

“There is only one disease –

The constant over-acidification

of the body.”

Dr. Robert O. Young

This material is for educational and informational purposes only.

Not intended to substitute for consultation with a medical practitioner.

The ph Miracle institute

Copyright 2011

Table of Contents

Introduction …………………………………………..…..………………...…………….1

How do you know if you’re overly acidic?

Weight, Allergies and Fatigue…………………………………………………….3

The New Biology…………………………………………………………………………4

Alkaline Water……………………………………………………………………………5

pH Miracle Greens Powder and PuripHy pH Drops…………………………………..6

The Alkalarian Diet

Twelve Steps to Success…………………………………………………………6

What to Shop for?..……………………………………………………………………..10

Menu Suggestions for Quick Alkaline Eating…………………………………………..10

Dr. Young’s Complete Whole Body Alkalizing Program

The ph Miracle Balance Pack………………………………………………….…………..…….12

The pH Miracle Basic Pack………………………………………………………………….

The pH Miracle Whole Body Alkalizing Cleanse……….. ……………………………………….15

A Typical Day on the Cleanse………...………………………………………………..16

After the Cleanse……………………………………………………………………….18

Maintenance Program…………………………………………………………………..18

Blood Analysis and Microscopy

Great Business Opportunity……………………………………………………………19

Research scientist Robert O. Young, PhD., D.Sc., working together with his wife, Shelley Young, founded The pH Miracle Companies over twenty-five years ago -- a company devoted to sharing a unique health philosophy and specialized nutritional products world wide.

Alkalarian (al-kah-LAIRE –re-in) A person and/or a diet that emphasizes predominantly alkaline food, drink and lifestyle, thereby maintaining a balanced acid-alkaline body chemistry for optimal health and vitality.

This handbook contains a whole new way of looking at diet and nutrition. When you change to an alkaline lifestyle, you can have the lean, trim body you’ve always wanted and experience a new level of wellness, energy and mental clarity, by utilizing Dr. Young’s Complete Program.

How do you know if you’re overly acidic?

Fat is an Acid Problem!

Perhaps one of Dr. Young’s most well known discoveries is his theory of the cause of overweight. He has shown that fat is actually an over-acidification problem. What does that mean? The body creates fat cells to carry acids away from your vital organs, so these acids literally don’t choke your organs to death. Fat is saving your life! Fat is actually a response from the body to an alarming over-acidic condition. The solution? Alkalize and energize.

What about Underweight?

At the other end of the health spectrum, the yeast and fungus produced within an overly acidic body can feed on your nutrients and reduce the chemical and mechanical absorption of everything you eat by as much as 50%. This causes many people to become excessively thin, which is no healthier than becoming overweight. Without protein, your body cannot rebuild new tissues or produce enzymes, hormones, or hundreds of other chemical components necessary for cell energy and organ activity. Fatigue, illness, and body weight changes are the results. An underweight person may loose a little more weight as their body chemistry stabilizes. As their body normalizes, they will begin to gain towards their ideal weight.

Healthy bodies are not overweight or underweight. A healthy body naturally maintains its own ideal weight. You can begin to restore health, balance, and harmony to your body with Dr. Young’s Complete Program. As alkalizing and oxygenation begins to take place, the body naturally begins to seek its own ideal weight.


The toxins produced within an overly acidic, oxygen deprived body may contribute significantly to what are often called the symptoms of allergy. In addition, the absorption of undigested proteins is a major cause of allergy conditions. The digestive system is weakened, which prevents the total breakdown of amino acids – often causing food allergies. This alone may produce a wide spectrum of severe allergic reactions.

pH Miracle Greens with PuripHy pH drops and Dr. Young’s Complete Program introduce oxygenating and alkalizing elements into your body – helping to balance the conditions that may lead to hypersensitivities.


Fatigue is probably the major symptom or complaint of an overly acidic body. The toxins produced in an acidic body environment reduce the absorption of protein and minerals, which in turn weakens the body’s ability to produce enzymes and hormones. This also interferes with the reconstruction of cells and other necessary components of energy production. The result is fatigue, poor endurance, an inability to add muscle tone, and general weakness.

pH Miracle Greens with PuripHy pH drops are formulated to bring you vital nutrient elements and easily digested protein. This alkalizing, energizing, and nourishing formula begins oxygenating your body.

The New Biology

Dr. Robert O. Young’s New Biology, most simply stated, is that the over-acidification of the body is the single underlying cause of all disease. In contrast, the old biology, based on the work of Louis Pasteur in the late 1800s, stems from the idea that disease comes from germs which invade the body from the outside. Dr. Young has found that when the body is in healthy alkaline balance, germs are unable to get a foothold.

Think of your body as a fish tank. Think of the importance of maintaining the integrity of the internal fluids of the body that we “swim” in daily. Imagine the fish in this tank are your cells and organ systems bathed in fluids, which transport food and remove wastes.

Now imagine we back up a car and put the tailpipe up against the air intake filter that supplies the oxygen for the water in the tank. The water becomes filled with carbon monoxide, lowering the alkaline pH, creating and acidic pH environment, and threatening the health of the “fish,” your cells and organs.

What if we throw in too much food or the wrong kind of food (acid-producing food like dairy, sugar, and animal protein) and the fish are unable to consume or digest it all, and it starts to decompose and putrefy? Toxic acid waste and chemicals build up as the food breaks down, creating more acidic byproducts, altering the optimum alkaline pH.

Basically, this is a small example of what we may be doing to our internal fluids every day. We are fouling them with pollution (smoking), drugs, excessive intake of food, over-consumption of acid-forming foods (dairy food, sugar, animal protein), and any number of transgressions which compromise the delicate balance of our internal alkaline fluids.

Some of us have fish tanks (bodies) that are barely able to support life, yet we somehow manage to struggle from day to day, building more sever imbalances until there is the inevitable crash and debilitating chronic, disturbing and disorganizing symptoms to deal with.

The pH level (the acid-alkaline measurement) of our internal fluids affects every cell in our bodies. Extended acid imbalances of any kind are not well tolerated by the body. Indeed, the entire metabolic process depends on a balanced internal alkaline environment. A chronically over-acidic pH corrodes body tissue, slowly eating into the 60,000 miles of veins and arteries like acid eating into marble. If left unchecked, it will interrupt all cellular activities and functions, from the beating of your heart to the neural firing of your brain. In summary, over-acidification interferes with life itself leading to all sickness and disease!

Alkaline Water

The most important thing you will learn in this handbook is to hydrate the body with alkalizing water. Like the earth on which we live, our bodies are 70% water. Food cravings are often the body’s cry for water. A thirst for water will develop as one begins to hydrate with water.

A diet high in acid foods such as meat, dairy, grains, high sugar fruits, and bread, causes acid wastes to build up in the body. When acid wastes enter our bloodstream, the blood system will attempt to dispose of these wastes in liquid form through the lungs or the kidneys. If there are too many wastes to handle, they are deposited in various organ systems like the heart, pancreas, liver, colon, and other locations.

The breakdown of this disposal process of acid waste could also be called “the aging process.” To slow down and reverse this process, one must begin by removing this over-acidification of the blood and tissues by including liberal amounts of alkaline water in the diet. Alkaline water has a pH between 9 and 11, and will first neutralize harmful stored acid wastes and gently remove them from the tissues.

pH Miracle Alkalizing Team

pH Miracle Greens or Dr. Young’s Original Green Powder and

PuripHy pH Alkalizing Drops

pH Miracle Greens or Dr. Young’s Original Powder has four times the power of ordinary green powders. Dr Young’s Original Greens contains 49 organically grown grasses, sprouted grains, and green vegetables which infuses your body with more than 125 easily absorbed vitamins, mineral, and amino acids.

PuripHy pH Alkalizing drops is a water and oxygen catalyst in the bloodstream. This formulation has been shown to have an alkalizing, neutralizing, oxygenating, and pH balancing effect on the body.

A structured water such as distilled or reverse-osmosis is best. It is ideal to have one-gallon/4 liters, or more, of water each day. A normal amount of Green Powder per day is approximately 3 teaspoons. It is easiest to keep your Green drink in a water bottle so you can shake it up to keep the greens well mixed. Make up a bottle at a time and use at room temperature (the body must work to warm up an iced drink or cool down a hot drink). If you choose to have a warm drink, then heat it so you can still comfortably keep your finger in it. Note: allow an hour or two after a heavy protein meal before drinking Green and PuripHy pH Alkalizing Drops, so as not to neutralize the stomach acid for protein digestion.

Excellent daily schedule of hydration

Upon rising: 1 quart/liter of water with 5 drops of PuripHy pH Alkalizing Drops

Between breakfast and lunch: 1 ½ quarts/liters of water with 1 ½ teaspoons of Green Powder and 5 drops of PuripHy pH Alkalizing Drops.

Between lunch and dinner: 1 ½ quarts/liters of water with 1 ½ teaspoons of Green Powder and 5 drops of PuripHy pH Alkalizing Drops.

Between dinner and bed: Water with lemon/lime juice as desired

PuripHy pH Alkalizing Drops is for use in water (do not place under the tongue).

The Alkalarian Diet

Dr. Young’s New Biology and The Alkalarian Diet assure a balanced body chemistry and proper acid-alkaline ratio.

1. End the “breakfast food” myth. Don’t let the first meal of your day slow you


Most foods and beverages people choose for the first meal of the day promote high levels of acidity, yeast, and fungi growth in the body. Foods like breakfast cereals, sweet rolls, toast, pancakes, waffles, muffins, oatmeal, maple syrup, honey, coffee, orange juice, etc., contain huge amounts of sugars and simple carbohydrates which over-acidify the blood and tissues. As you over-acidify the blood and tissues, you create a terrain that promotes the growth of bacteria, yeast, and fungi – the great decomposers of cells and tissues in the human body. What a way to start the day!

Traditional high-protein breakfast foods like eggs, sausage, bacon, omelets, etc., also compromise the terrain and ultimately promote the growth of yeast and fungi. In addition, all meats, especially pork, are high in parasite activity.

Therefore, when you make a commitment to balance your eating habits and improve your health, breakfast – and every meal of the day – must take on a whole new look. When you start your day, your choices for breakfast would also work well for lunch or even dinner. Any food you choose to begin the day should be good for your body any time of the day. For example: try soups for breakfast – vegetable and lentil. Other cultures like the Japanese have long served soup for breakfast, instead of the very sugary continental American and European breakfasts.

A favorite breakfast for many people new to the Alkalizing diet is millet or brown basmati rice with fresh avocado and tomato slices, soaked almonds, sunflower sprouts and flax oil. An excellent way to start the day! Vegetable soups and juices (such as Dr Young’s Original Green Formula) in the morning offer a low carbohydrate, high fiber, and delicious way to start your day. Blood sugar levels are not sent soaring, causing an increase in blood insulin and a burden on your pancreas.

2. Add liberal amounts of dark green and yellow vegetables and grasses from a wide variety of sources.

Dr Young’s Original Green Formula is just one way of adding 49 different greens to your daily diet. Fresh vegetables and grasses are an excellent source of the alkaline salts that are anti-yeast, anti-fungal, and anti-mycotoxic. The chlorophyll (or “blood of the plant”) contained in plants and grasses is identical to the blood of humans, except for one atom. Green foods such as wheat grass and barley grass are some of the lowest-calorie, lowest-sugar, and most nutrient-rich foods on the planet.

Juiced, green vegetables are very cleansing. Vegetables and grasses are also loaded with fiber. While fruit is a good source of fiber, the high sugar content (fructose) of fruit stimulates yeast and fungal growth. Basic rule of thumb: vegetables for breakfast, vegetables for lunch, vegetables for dinner; and three teaspoons of Dr Young’s Original Green powder blended into 3 liters of water every day.

3. Feature in your diet low carbohydrate vegetables, legumes, and some grains.

Complex carbohydrates are highly acid forming in the body and should not exceed 20% of the diet, so eat them in moderation. Good low carbohydrate vegetables include asparagus, beets, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers, eggplant, green beans, green peppers, spinach, kale lettuce, okra, onions, garlic, parsley, radishes, and squash. Red new potatoes are the best choice in the potato family and should be used sparingly.

n Enjoy eating fresh legumes. Stored beans can become moldy and contain mycotoxins.

n Avoid stored grains. They are full of fungus-producing mycotoxins. Eat fresh-preferably sprouted-organic grains in moderation, as they are acid forming. Some of the ancient grains like amaranth, spelt, quinoa, buckwheat, and millet are more alkaline grain choices.

4. Eat lots of sprouts.

Eat lots of sprouts.

Some of the best foods to eat are sprouts. Sprouted seeds become more alkaline as they grow. They are live plant foods that are biogenic, which means they transfer their life energy to us. Sprouts can easily be grown in your kitchen during any season.

5. Increase alkali-forming foods, eat less acid-forming foods.

Good alkali forming foods include fresh sprouts, spinach, kale, Swiss chard, avocados, lemons, limes, cucumbers, celery, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, asparagus, green beans, eggplant, broccoli, fresh tomatoes, zucchini, green/red/yellow peppers, onions, okra, garlic, parsley, watercress, cabbage, squashes, soy beans (tofu), garbanzo beans, raw almonds, Brazil nuts, hazel nuts, sesame seeds, flax seed, sprouted grains and legumes.

Green juices from all green vegetables and their tops are highly alkaline. Also, vegetable broths are extremely alkalizing to the body. These need to be yeast-free and preservative free.

Acid-forming foods you should avoid are all animal products, which include meat and milk products, refined grains and yeast products, and most fruits. These include pork, veal, most fish, beef, organ meats, chicken, turkey, eggs, shrimp, lobster, oysters, hot dogs corned beef, pastrami, pepperoni, rice, potatoes, pasta, breads, cheeses, milk, buttermilk, sour cream, yogurt, ice cream, butter, margarine, mushrooms of all kinds, algae, corn and all corn products, coffee, tea, wine, beer, soda pop, cider, yeast products, soy sauce, ketchup, mayonnaise, vinegar, Tempe, sugar, artificial sweeteners, and of course, no candy, gum, pies, cakes, donuts, and chocolate – just to name a few.

6. Feature proteins such as broccoli, spinach, sprouts, garbanzo beans, tofu, or, fresh fish with scales and fins.

Vegetables carry the sub-cellular units and the amino acids to make proteins in amounts that are congruent with the body’s needs. Also, all green vegetables are high in calcium.

What about protein? Animal protein foods provide more protein than is required by the human body. Our bodies are only 7 % protein. In contrast to cow’s milk, which is protein rich, human mother’s milk is only 5% protein (i.e., better suited to the body’s protein requirements). In addition, animal protein foods often contribute factors to the body, which are unneeded and then represent a challenge to dispose of (e.g., saturated fats).

7. Drink plenty of alkaline water.

Ideally one will drink one gallon (4 liters) or more of good, structured water each day. Distilled or reverse-osmosis (purified) water are more neutral and can be brought into the alkaline range with drops of PuripHy pH Alkalizing drops.

8. Eliminate bakers or brewers yeast and all yeast-containing foods.

You should especially avoid baked goods such as bread, muffins, pies, cakes and pastries. In America, one out of nine women will develop breast cancer. The Japanese have a much lower rate of this form of cancer – and research links it with the ingestion of baked goods with bakers or brewers yeast. Research also clearly links diets with yeasty or fermented breads to gall and kidney stones and arthritis.

9. Eliminate milk, ice cream, and especially cheese.

These should not be eaten because of their lactose (milk sugar) content as well as the presence of yeast and fungus, molds, and mycotoxins. There are approximately 12 grams of lactose in every eight ounces of milk that can break down into sugars that can feed yeast and fungus. Because of the high sugar and fat content of dairy products, the fact that diary cows are fed stored grains and fungal-based antibiotics, and the fermentation process of cheese and yogurt, all diary products should be eventually eliminated from the diet. Some alternatives are soy, almond or rice milk.

What about calcium? If milk products are eliminated, where should one turn for their calcium needs? Many worry that eating an alkaline diet would seriously deplete one’s calcium intake, which is vital for so many functions of the body. All leafy, green vegetables and grasses are inherently high in calcium. We also need to understand that calcium can be pulled from the bones to help neutralize an over-acid condition which is caused when animal products are eaten; thus we see that people are suffering from a calcium-robbing problem rather than a calcium deficiency problem. As long as we are eating an alkalizing diet that is rich in green foods and green drinks, we don’t need to worry about getting enough calcium.

10. Avoid fungus foods.

Mushrooms of all kinds, morels, algae, and truffles are all acid-forming foods. They contain mycotoxins, which poison human cells and lead to degenerate diseases. Mushrooms in all forms are extremely poisonous whether eaten whole or in teas. There is no such thing as a good mushroom. The mushroom is not a vegetable, but rather the fruiting body of a yeast or fungus.

11. Avoid alcoholic beverages.

Wines of all kinds, beers, whiskey, brandy, gin, rum and vodka are purely mycotoxic. Alcohol is a fungus-produced mycotoxin made by yeast, which causes direct injury to human health.

12. Avoid smoking or chewing tobacco.

It is widely understood that smoking or chewing tobacco causes cancer, but we’ve never understood the process – until now. Dr. Young’s research clearly reveals the pathway that the fermentation of the tobacco creates with yeast and sugar. Tobacco leaves are coated with yeast, fungus, and mycotoxins, which poison the cells and tissues of the body. When using tobacco, you are directly introducing dried fungus and wastes into your body.

What to Shop For

Produce: Fruits to eat freely are: fresh tomatoes, avocados, lemons limes and an occasional grapefruit. Vegetables may include kale, chard, celery, parsley, cabbage, dark lettuces, spinach, peppers, broccoli, zucchini, asparagus, peppers, cucumbers, and green beans; alfalfa, onions, garlic, leeks, cauliflower, fresh herbs, leeks, eggplant, squash, carrots, beets and occasionally, fresh, red, new potatoes, etc.. Note: When a person is in balanced health, small portions of fresh, seasonal fruit may be added as a snack (apart from meals).

Health Food Section: Bulk foods such as Basmati rice, soy beans, garbanzo beans, lentils, and other legumes; raw sunflower, sesame, alfalfa and flax seeds; raw almonds, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds, and Brazil nuts; fresh, seasonal pecans and walnuts; millet, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat and spelt; liquid, no yeast vegetable broth; soy, almond, or rice milk; almond butter and sesame tahini, unsalted brown rice cakes; quinoa and spelt rotini, buckwheat and rice soba noodle; and virgin, cold pressed olive oil.

Refrigerated Section: non-genetically engineered tofu, White Wave Italian Baked Tofu, Alvarado Street Sprouted Wheat Tortillas (freeze well), pH Miracle Omega 3, 6, and 9 Oil blend, flaxseed oil, fresh salsa (made with lemon/lime juice, not vinegar), and humus.

Seafood/Meat Section: Occasional small portions of fresh fish with fins and scales (trout, salmon, etc.); fresh, free range turkey, on rare occasions may be ordered from most health food stores during the holidays.

Freezer Section: Nature’s Path Unleavened Manna Bread (whole-wheat variety only), Earth Seed Breads, Soy Bocca Burgers (vegan variety only).

Water: Distilled water in gallon jugs (5 gallon bottles are recommended because heavier plastic is safer) or reverse osmosis/purified water.

Spices: Spice Hunter (The Zip, Stir-Fry Ginger, etc.) or Frontier spices. Best salt choices in order are: Real Salt (mined in Redmond, Utah and found in many health food stores), Celtic sea salt, and pH Miracle Hawaiian Salt (replaces traditional soy sauce).

Remember to read your labels. Watch for acidic ingredients such as citric acid, mushrooms, yeast, vinegar, peanuts and corn/corn syrup.

Menu Suggestions for Quick Alkaline Eating

NOTE: A host of rejuvenating recipes to alkalize and energize for life are now available in Shelley Young’s wonderful recipe book Back to the House of Health.

BREAKFAST: Hot Millet Salad is a delicious and satisfying hot and cold combination. Millet is an ancient, more alkaline grain. For each serving bring ¼ cup millet and 1 cup water to a boil. Cover; turn to simmer for 25 minutes. Place cook millet in a soup plate. Drizzle some flax oil over the top and spray lightly with Bragg’s Aminos for flavor. Cut over the top ½ avocado and ½ tomato. Break a handful of sunflower sprouts over the top and toss on a handful off sliced, raw almonds. Spray lightly again with Bragg’s Aminos. This will hold you until two or three in the afternoon!

Vegetable Soup is satisfying and can be used for any meal for the next few days. Lightly stir fry some cut up vegetables such as green beans, celery, zucchini, yellow squash, red peppers, leeks, onions, garlic, shredded cabbage, etc., in a little vegetable broth or water. Put in a pot of heated vegetable broth. Flavor with spices such as herbs de Province, oregano, basil, parsley, etc. Add some pH Miracle Hawaiian Salt for flavor. Sprinkle with flax, sunflower seeds or sliced almonds. You may desire an unsalted brown rice cake with almond butter to go with the soup or some sprouted wheat tortilla chips dipped in humus or almond butter. Cut up a package of Alvarado Street Sprouted Wheat Tortillas into pie-shaped pieces and place on two baking sheets. Lightly toast at 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

Buckwheat cereal with almond milk is quick and filling on a cold morning. Buckwheat groats, cracked or cream of buckwheat are available in most health food stores.

Steamed broccoli is an excellent choice for breakfast. Lightly steam broccoli for 5 minutes. You may add chopped onion and/or another green vegetable. Lightly stir in some Basic Salad Dressing and top with soaked almonds or hazelnuts. To soak nuts, place enough for the day in a container and cover with water. Place in the refrigerator overnight. Drain the next morning and enjoy. Rinse twice a day.

Basic Salad Dressing

1/3 cup fresh lemon/lime juice

1 cup cold pressed extra virgin olive oil

½ teaspoon ground oregano

½ teaspoon ground cumin

½ teaspoon garlic powder

½ teaspoon Zip, by Spice Hunter (or a dash of cayenne pepper)

1-Tablespoon lemon juice

LUNCH: Salads are great for any meal. Keep spinach and darker, leafy lettuces cleaned (use a salad spinner to remove excess water) and place in a covered container, with a paper towel in the bottom, in the refrigerator. This way it feels like a salad is almost ready to serve. Then build a salad fit for a king or queen with your choice of the following: fresh avocado, tomato, sprouts, green or purple onion, cucumber, celery, peppers, etc.. Cut over the top some chunks of White Wave Italian Baked Tofu or fresh, firm tofu. If desired, add a few spoonfuls of humus/salsa. Sprinkle with sunflower seeds or sliced almonds. Toss with Basic Salad Dressing.

Wrap It Up! Start with an Alvarado Street Sprouted Wheat Tortilla, burrito-size. Spread on some humus, cut on some avocado and tomatoes. Add some alfalfa spouts, black beans or garbanzo bean, and spray with Bragg’s Amino and top with fresh salsa/pesto. Then wrap it up!

Madrid Gazpacho Soup is an easy, raw, blender soup. Blend 3 large tomatoes, 2 cucumbers, 1 red pepper, and 1 small jalapeno pepper. Add 1 quart of distilled water, 3 tablespoons olive oil, the juice of 2 lemons, 1-teaspoon ground cumin, and 2 teaspoons pH Miracle Hawaiian Salt. Add garlic to taste. Blend in blender in portions a second time to emulsify oil. Chill in the refrigerator. Place in bowls and garnish with chopped tomatoes, celery green onions, cucumbers, red peppers, and avocados.

DINNER: An Alkalarian Stir Fry can be completed in about 20 minutes from start to finish. Bring water to a boil and break one package of Buckwheat Soba Noodles by Eden into fourths into the boiling water. Cook for allotted time and drain. While noodles are cooking, sauté 1/2 package of cubed extra firm tofu in a little pH Miracle Hawaiian Sea Salt and vegetable broth for about 5 minutes in a large frying pan. Remove from pan and set aside. Place the following in the stir fry pan: 1 chopped, red pepper, 1 chopped onion, cut up broccoli or asparagus, a little pH Miracle Hawaiian Sea Salt and vegetable broth. Stir-fry for 5 minutes and add tofu and noodles. Pour over some virgin olive oil and sprinkle with raw, unhulled sesame seeds, garlic, and Stir-Fry Ginger by Spice Hunter. Lightly stir together. This is a meal in itself!

Occasionally you might grill a small portion of Fresh Salmon, Trout, Halibut, Sole, etc., and garnish with sliced lemon. Serve with a generous amount of steamed vegetables and a small portion of basmati and wild rice topped with sliced almonds.

Beans and Rice are a nice combination. Soak and cook dried beans such as kidney, pinto, garbanzo, etc., and drain. Season beans with ground cumin, chili powder, real salt, and garlic. Add vegetable broth to cover beans in pan. Season with fresh parsley, chopped onion and pepper and grated carrot. Simmer until onions are cooked and mix in fresh chopped tomatoes before serving. Add pH Miracle Hawaiian Sea Salt to taste. Place in a bowl and add a scoop of basmati rice. Serve with a generous serving of salad.


Dr. Young’s Complete Whole Body Alkalizing Program

NOTE: The supplement dosages listed here are generalized. Your particular situation (body type, health challenge, etc.) may require adjustment to the dosage. Keep in mind that taking more is not necessarily better; we say “less is more, more often”. Listen to your body.

This program offers you the ultimate combination and value of nutrition and health support -- the pH Miracle Balance and Basics Packs. These two packs form the basis of Dr. Young’s exclusive wellness program and provide a complete foundation of products to cleanse the body of impurities while building a leaner, more energetic and efficient body. If you want to put your health ahead by months (and for some years), you will want to use this wonderful program.

The pH Miracle Balance Pack is a collection of synergistically blended pH Miracle nutritional formulas designed to cleanse, control and construct, and neutralize yeast, fungus and mycotoxic acid wastes.

For maximum results, take 1 dose of each of the following supplements 6 times daily. (1 dose = 1 capsule or 3-5 drops of liquids or 1 teaspoon of powder per liter of water)


As the body becomes overly acidic and toxic, normal metabolism and cleansing systems slow down. The body becomes sluggish.

pHlush capsules is an all-natural mineral formula designed to provide a balanced source of minerals that breakdown undigested proteins and mucous in the small and large intestine. The major ingredient, magnesium oxide binds exotoxins, endotoxins, and mycotoxins in the digestive system so they can be removed through proper elimination.

Some of the best of these binders are the herbs slippery elm, yellow dock, ginger and marshmallow root which presents every cell in the body with organic alkaline salts. Nature uses these to build and vitalize the body. This formula prepares the body for the control and removal of yeast, fungi and molds, and their acidic poisons: 1 capsule the first day; then 1 with each meal, three times a day. Additional capsules may be added depending on your results.


Four products specifically address the overgrowth of bacteria, yeast, fungi, molds and their mycotoxic waste products, which poison the cells.

pHlavor Salts is an alkalizing mineral salt that is anti-yeast, and anti-fungal containing over 88 natural ingredients proven effective in providing the necessary alkalizing elements of sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium. This product provides the ions for electrical conductivity for the transportation of energy to the cells. It also promotes an alkalizing environment preventing the transformation of body and blood cells into bacteria, yeast, fungus, and mold, and preventing their overgrowth and return. Spray directly in the mouth at least 9 times a day.

pHour Salts will increase the pH of the extracellular and intracellular fluids as determined by the urine pH at 7.2 and above. In addition it is a foundational alkalizing formula for the alimentary canal, especially the stomach to buffer excess acids that can lead to digestive disorders. Take 2-3 capsules with each meal, three times a day.

Acid Zapper I and II work together to provide a powerful control team that help expunge acids from the body. One is in capsule form and one is in liquid form. The naturally occurring elements N-Acetyl Cysteine and Molybdenum help to detoxify harmful mycotoxins, the poisonous by-products and wastes produced by yeast, fungi, and molds. By combining the liquid with the capsulated formula, these powerful, naturally balancing elements can work at different speeds and at different places in the system. Acid Zapper I: 3-5 drops under the tongue, three times a day. Acid Zapper II: 2-3 capsules, three times a day.


As the cleanse and control products handle the yeasts, fungi, and mold, and their mycotoxins – then the way is cleared for the body to begin constructing a new framework for health by renewing its cells and rebuilding healthy blood and tissue. Our modern diets are highly acid producing. We eat too many processed, simple carbohydrates, and too few fresh, green vegetables. It is green vegetables, which help to balance an overly acidic system. Green vegetables and grasses are naturally high in life-sustaining alkaline salts, which interact with acids in the blood and tissues, helping to neutralize them.

PuripHy pH drops are a water and oxygen catalyst in the bloodstream. This formula has been shown to have an alkalizing, neutralizing and pH-balancing effect on the body. Four liters/quarts of structured water a day, with 8 drops LL Prime-pH per liter/quart (ideally 3 of the liters should have 1 teaspoon each of SuperGreens Powder).

Dr Young’s Original Greens Powder is an exclusive, synergistic blend of greens, vegetables, and grains. This nutrient-rich, alkaline formula helps to gently pull the blood and tissue balance from an acid base to an increasingly healthy alkaline state. When used in conjunction with Dr. Young’s Complete Whole Body Alkalizing Program, the blood and tissues will naturally reach and ideal pH-balance. The pH Miracle balanced pH Miracle or original Greens formulation includes organic, concentrated ingredients, many of them sprouted -–when the plant is at its nutritional peak. Each ingredient in the formula is concentrated at its cleanest and purest state, and pH Miracle or Greens contains no sweeteners of any kind. As mentioned above, add 1 teaspoon of pH Miracle or original Greens and 5 drops of PuripHy pH drops to each liter of structured water (4 liters/quarts of pH Miracle or original Greens a day is ideal).

Noni Complex II contains two legendary fruits that work together in the utilization of protein in the cell. First, papaya helps to completely digest all proteins, breaking them down into their amino acid building blocks, making them usable by the cells. Noni then regulates the health of cellular proteins, as they are used in the creation of different body chemicals. This exclusive pH Miracle capsulated formulation does not require refrigeration, and contains no additives. 2-3 capsules with each meal, three times day.


The pH Miracle Basic Pack provides the essential, basic, daily nutritional elements not found in today’s traditional diets. The pH Miracle nutritional formulas contained in the pH Miracle Basic Pack promote a balanced inner ecology.

Superconductor Complex provides nourishment to cells that have been damaged by acidic mycotoxins from specific high-frequency essential mineral elements so they can recover their ability to communicate with each other. The minerals Rhodium and Iridium appear to be among the best of the elements acting as an energetic catalyst, allowing the cells to once again communicate effectively. 3-4 drops under the tongue, three times a day.

pH Miracle Minerals provide the minerals that are essential for normal biochemical functions. All other nutrients, such as vitamins, proteins, enzymes, amino acids and carbohydrates, require minerals for biochemical reactions. pH Miracle Minerals is a complete multiple trace mineral formula. 1-2 capsules, three times a day with meals.

Vitamin Support Plus Cell Salts is an exclusive multi-vitamin formula. It is a balanced mega-dose vitamin and mineral supplement providing all of the essential vitamins blended with cell salts, minerals, and herbs. 1 capsule a day with a meal.

Noni Complex I is a pH Miracle exclusive formulation that aids assimilation. Noni regulates the health of the cellular proteins as they are used in the creation of different body chemicals. This colloidal formula works together in perfect balance with the capsulated Noni Complex II, found in the pH Miracle Balance Pack portion of Dr. Young’s Complete Whole Body Alkalizing Program. Together, these two forms support each other with differing rates of cellular utilization and assimilation. 3-5 drops under the tongue, three times a day.

B Complex is a great support to the body. Research indicates that B-complex vitamins have been used in cell formation and cellular longevity. The enzymes, which act as catalysts in fuel burning in the glycolytic and Krebs cycles are made in part from vitamins B1, B2, B3, and Biotin – all found in the colloidal B Complex. 3-5 drops under the tongue, three times a day.

DepHense is an exclusive, synergistic blend of the trace minerals silver, gold, titanium, and copper. Silver and gold have a long usage as a general support to the body’s own natural defense system; Silver in particular is a powerful natural antibiotic. 3-5 drops under the tongue, three times a day.

The pH Miracle

Whole Body Alkalizing Cleanse

Monitor your progress on the cleanse. How long you cleanse is not the goal so much as gaining benefit without undue discomfort. Some mild discomfort is possible, but do not push beyond this for the sake of reaching a specific number of days.

The hallmark of Dr. Young’s research is the hydration of the body with alkaline water, in combination with the alkaline nutrients. During this cleanse, the environment of the blood is quickly changed so that is will not support bacteria, yeast, fungus or mold. The body will begin to detoxify during this process.

As toxins begin to leave the body, one may experience symptoms of nausea, light-headedness, flu-like feelings or a drop in energy. When this occurs, immediate hydration with water, Prime pH and fresh lemon or limejuice will help flush these toxin out quickly, and thus their negative effects. When the symptoms occur, increase your daily water intake.

Your nutritional intake during the cleanse consists of Dr Young’s Original Greens Powder, distilled or reverse osmosis water, lemon/lime juice, juiced greens, raw, pureed soups, and essential oils, and any other pH Miracle supplements you select to take. The supplements contained in Dr. Young’s Complete Whole Body Alkalizing Program will maximize the effects of this cleanse to its fullest potential and bring the body into balance more quickly. You will want to drink at least one gallon (4 liters) of water a day. Dr. Young says, “A gallon a day keeps the doctor away”!

The liquid colloidal products are taken ½ hour before the pureed soups or juiced greens, three times a day (some people with more chronic problems may choose to use these 6 or 9 times a day for a period of time). The capsules may be taken with juiced vegetables or pureed soups three times a day. Essential oils can be added to the soups or taken by the spoonful, 3 tablespoons per day. Good oils include cold pressed flax, virgin olive, Borage, primrose, and oil blends such as our brand, Omega 3, 6 and 9 oil from hemp.

Mealtime: you may have three meals a day consisting of juiced greens or raw, pureed soup (which ever you prefer). An example of juiced greens is 1 cucumber, 1 stalk of celery, 1/3 bunch parsley, a hand full of alfalfa sprouts, and some spinach leaves.

A typical day on the Cleanse

You should feel successful however many days you are able to cleanse. Each day you remain on the cleanse is one more day of ridding the body of acid buildup. Because the pH Miracle or Original Greens Powder is your major nutrition during this period, you may, if you desire, increase the amount of powder you put in each liter/quart.

7:00 a.m.……………..1 liter/quart distilled water with PuripHy pH drops

7:30 a.m.……………...Dr Young’s pH Miracle colloidal supplements

8:00 a.m.……………..Juiced greens and Dr. Young’s pH Miracle capsules.

9:00 – 12:00 noon…...1 ½ liters/quarts Dr. Young’s Original Greens and PuripHy pH drops

12:30 P.M……………Dr. Young’s pH Miracle colloidal supplements.

1:00 P.M……………..Popeye Soup and Dr. Young’s pH Miracle capsules.

2:00-5:00 P.M………..1 ½ liter/quart Dr. Young’s Original Greens and PuripHy pH drops.

5:30 P.M……………...Dr. Young’s pH Miracle colloidal supplements.

6:00 P.M………………Healing Soup or juiced greens and pH Miracle capsules.

7:00-9:00 P.M…………Distilled water with lemon juice and PuripHy pH drops as desired

Popeye Soup

Serves 4-6, 10 minutes preparation

1-cup yeast-free vegetable stock (Pacific or Imagine Foods)

2 unwaxed cucumbers

1-cup fresh, raw spinach

2 green onions

1 clove garlic

1/3 red bell pepper

pH Miracle Hawaiian Sea Salt to taste

½ tsp. Garam Masala, curry powder or other favorite spice

Cayenne pepper or Zip (Spice Hunter) to taste

Fresh limejuice to taste

1. In a Vita Mix or blender, add the avocado and ½ of the vegetable stock and puree. Then add the rest of the ingredients, one at a time, blending to desired thickness and thinning with the remaining water as desired. Add pH Miracle Hawaiian Sea Salt to taste and flavor with spices and limejuice to your desire.

2. Warming options: This soup can be served war or cold. If blending in a Vita Mix, the longer you blend, the warmer the soup will get. If you do not have a Vita Mix, you can carefully warm the soup (not cook it) in a pan on low heat. Only warm the soup until you can hold your finger in it without having to pull it out. This will keep the food at about 118 degrees, which will keep the food raw, but warm and not cooked.

Healing Soup

2-3 cloves of garlic, minced

2 tablespoons fresh cilantro

1 large onion, chopped (yellow or red)

2-3 tablespoons fresh minced ginger

3 cups of yeast-free vegetable broth (Pacific or Imagine Foods)

1 quart distilled water

1-diced cucumber

1 stalk of diced celery

½ head of shredded cabbage

pH Miracle Alkalizing Hawaiian Sea Salt to taste.

1. In soup pan lightly steam-fry minced garlic cloves and onion. Add broth and water and bring just to a boil and immediately remove from burner. Add vegetables, ginger, and cilantro. This will warm the vegetables, but not cook them.

2. Add pH Miracle Alkalizing Hawaiian Salt or lemon juice to taste. Put the soup in a Vita Mix or blender and puree.

Thin with added distilled water or vegetable broth as desired.

This soup is especially soothing when tired, stressed, if you have a cold, or flu, and is very anti-fungal!

After the Cleanse

Try to stay “green” for the next 8 to 12 weeks. Eat raw and lightly steamed green vegetables. Have green salads with a lemon-based dressing. Eat lots of sprouts for energy. Have liberal amounts of essential oils. Continue drinking one-gallon/4 liters of distilled or reverse osmosis water each day with 3 teaspoons of Dr. Young’s pH Miracle or Original Greens Powder and 20 drops of PuripHy Alkalizing drops.

Note: A person with severe health challenges may choose to go through one or two more Dr. Young’s Complete Whole Body Alkalizing Programs and stay “green.” 4-6 months before adding back other non-green alkaline food choices.

Some who need to loose weight may find themselves at a plateau from time to time. One may plateau for a few weeks or months, and then begin losing weight and toxins again. Remember to continue with one gallon of water and PuripHy pH drops and Dr. Young’s original Greens. It is also ideal to follow an alkaline diet The ideal balance is 70- 80% raw, alkaline foods with 20-30% cooked, warmed, or mildly acidic foods. The acid foods allowed in this 20-30% should not be taken to mean cakes, candies and ham. These are things like red new potatoes, rice, -- those things that are low on the acid scale which can be consumed when appropriately balanced with healthy, alkalizing foods.

Maintenance Program

After one has completed Dr. Young’s Complete Whole Body Alkalizing Program, remember to maintain with the COWS Pack and the Vitamin and Mineral Support products. Other packs, such as the OrthoPack may be selected to add structure to the body and lubrication to the joints. The Men’s Support Formula and Women’s Support Formula maximize the functioning of the Male and Female body. The EnvironMental Pack may help one achieve greater clarity of mind and a brighter mood. There are over 50 target products that may help fine-tune your health.

Your pH Miracle Health and Fitness Coach should be the first resource to which you turn when questions arise. Don’t sidestep this important resource. They have been through the program, they are doing the program, and they have solved many of the problems with which you may be struggling. Let them teach you. Other excellent resources on guidance in optimal health are Dr. Young’s books, Sick and Tired?, The pH Miracle, The pH Miracle for Diabetes, The pH Miracle for Weight Loss and Shelley Young’s recipe books, Back to the House of Health I and II; and other videos, cassettes and articles distributed through the pH Miracle Institute. If these don’t adequately help you, it is reasonable to turn to the pH Miracle Center at (760) 751-8321 or our website at:

Blood Analysis and Microscopy

You may contact The pH Miracle Center at (760) 751-8321, to inquire about live and dried blood demonstration. The purpose of these demonstrations is to determine the acid/alkaline balance of the body. After an initial live and dried blood cell demonstration and Alkaline lifestyle change, a subsequent blood demonstration can give valuable feedback on improvements in the alkaline/acid balance that are being achieved. Dr. Young also teaches a comprehensive microscopy course where students can learn the science of live and dried blood cell analysis with the assistance of a high-powered, compound microscope. For more information contact The pH Miracle Center (

Alkalize and Energize Network

Go to to join the network and receive training and education on lifestyle, science, and products created by Dr. Robert O. Young.

Great Business Opportunity

Many people initially come to the pH Miracle Institute purely to find an enhanced health and wellness, and in the process they discover a viable health and fitness opportunity. Some may have no interest in building a business. That’s okay! Their exclusive interest is on building a more vibrant personal health. Many find as they do “the program” that it creates a lot of interest within their network of friends and family. As pounds are shed, health challenges are resolved, and energy levels are increased, acquaintances will take great notice of these changes, and demand to know what has produced them. In the process of helping others come to the same results, pH Miracle customers and associates find that their businesses begin to grow. At this point an associate will recognize that pH Miracle has a viable business opportunity for them. Here again, your pH Miracle Coach are your resources for training and assistance in building your business.


The information contained in this handbook is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not an attempt by the writers or publisher to diagnose or prescribe, nor should it be construed to be such. Readers are hereby encouraged to consult with a licensed health care professional concerning the information presented, which has been received from sources deemed reliable, but no guarantees, expressed or implied, can be made regarding the accuracy of same. Therefore, readers are also encouraged to verify for themselves and to their own satisfaction the accuracy of all reports, recommendations, conclusions, comments, opinions, or anything else published herein before making any kind of decisions based upon what they have read. If you have a medical condition, please consult your medical practitioner.

The pH Miracle Institute