Thursday, September 29, 2011

What Do You Do When You Cannot Afford Health Insurance?

I felt you would enjoy reading the appended article below which is REALLY important. I like the phrase "Do-Over", but an "Alkaline Do-Over" is not only better, it is the way to go if you are seeking health, energy, youth, vitality and fitness. :-)

After viewing over 500,000 blood samples of over 40,000 people in over 72 countries I have concluded that certain lifestyle and dietary habits have the ability to turn genes "off and on". The living intelligent indestructibility of the microzymas that make up the human or animal gene can alter its state from a healthy gene state to an unhealthy gene state or reverse. This is determined by our own personal lifestyle and dietary choices that will determine the healthy or unhealthy state of the gene.

In the article below, "eating three quarters of a cup of broccoli four times a week turns on the GSTM1 gene. That gene makes protein that kills prostate, breast and colon cancer cells." Just imagine what a scoop of organic raw alkalizing Doc Broc Power Plant Greens can do which contains a 28 to 1 concentration of broccoli sprouts!

And just imagine..."Avoiding saturated fat in beef, pork, poultry, butter and cream also turns off aging genes." What a gang-buster! All you need to do to change the genes from an unhealthy state to a healthy state is change your dietary, nutritional and lifestyle choices to an alkaline lifestyle and diet. I call this lifestyle and diet the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet. And, you can learn more about the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet by going to our websites at: or

I also love the reference in the article about doing it all without insurance.

That's right! You can prevent and reverse the aging process and prevent or reverse so-called disease or dis-ease by changing to an alkaline lifestyle and diet. Save your money on expensive insurance premiums and put that money to something that is proactive and protective against sickness and dis-ease - good health and fitness. Now you have a real insurance plan.

I canceled our family health insurance plan over 30 years ago. Why? Because we NEVER get sick on the alkalizing pH Miracle Diet! Just think of the thousands of dollars that I have saved! But more important just think of the pain and suffering our family has prevented and avoided. This is why I have said to millions of people around the world that we need more education NOT more medication.

ANOTHER THOUGHT.... occasionally, I have a client who seems to be doing "everything" right, yet her/his health condition is still getting worse. Why? These particular people just don't like broccoli and think "pH Balancing" will work without eating the broccoli if they just do the alkalizing Young pHorever pHour Salts. They are actively or even subconsciously avoiding broccoli. The broccoli sprouts is the key component to my anti-aging and anti-cancerous protocols. I just happen to have it in just about every Young pHorever/pH Miracle product that I have developed. The Young pHorever Doc Broc Power Plant Green Powder is loaded with broccoli sprouts and should be taken several times a day in water or mixed into foods. As Doc Broc would say, "You can't do it without ME!" Doc Broc is the Superhero of my anti-aging and anti-cancerous protocols!

In addition, of course, to "pHyllis", the pH nag! She would not let you go a day without drinking your Doc Broc Power Plant Green drink. She recommends you drink at least 4 liters of Doc Broc Power Plant Greens everyday. The amount of Doc Broc Power Plant Greens you should drink is based upon a man or woman who weighs 154 pounds or 70 kilos.

To order your Young pHorever Doc Broc Power Plant Green Powder packed with broccoli sprouts at a 28 to 1 concentration go to:

-----------------Referenced Article---------------------

Reported July 9, 2009

Life is a Do-Over

CLEVELAND (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Our leading killer remains what it has been every year since 1900: heart disease. It kills nearly 650,000 each year. We can only blame ourselves. Our own bad habits such as smoking, no exercise and fat-ridden diets are the main causes of heart disease. But did you know you can reverse the damage that's been done?

Pattiy Hill was a yo-yo dieter who rarely exercised. She was diagnosed with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and joint problems. Hill was 51 years old and fading fast.

"I had been fat for so long," Hill told Ivanhoe. "I wanted to live, and I knew fat people don't grow old."

At 280 pounds, Hill wanted a do-over.

"We get a do-over," Michael Roizen, M.D., Chief Wellness Officer at the Cleveland Clinic, told Ivanhoe. "If you change your habits now, within three years, it's like you only had the healthy habit."

Put down that cigarette. In five years, a smoker's lungs can heal.

"If you quit before age 35 and before 20 pack years, which is one pack a day for 20 years, you get all of it back," Dr. Roizen explained. "The longer you wait to quit, and the more you smoke, the less you get back, but even at age 60, you get some of it back."

You can also change the way your genes function. "Just changing your habits changes whether your genes are on or off," Dr. Roizen said.

Eating three quarters of a cup of broccoli four times a week turns on the GSTM1 gene. That gene makes a protein that kills prostate, breast and colon cancer cells.

"You get to turn on a gene that helps you kill those cancers with something as simple as having broccoli," Dr. Roizen said.

About 12 walnut halves a week doubles the amount of Omega-three that most of us have.

"It decreases the risk of stroke or heart attack by 62 percent," Dr. Roizen said.

Avoiding saturated fat in beef, pork, poultry, butter and cream also turns off aging genes.

Diet and exercise are other ways to take the years off.

Hill lost 136 pounds the old-fashioned way. In 13 months, she cut her body fat from 60 percent to 20 percent and went from a size 24 to a slender size four.

"I looked at it as a way to help myself rather than depriving myself," Hill explained.

Hill is now free of diabetes. Her high blood pressure and high cholesterol are gone along with her joint pain.

"It's turned my life around 100 percent," Hill said. "I feel so healthy now, and I am so healthy now."

So keep Hill in mind when you do-over, and be sure to do it right.

If you're using money or insurance as an excuse, think again. Hill lost all her weight while she was uninsured. The only money she spent was on a gym membership. The savings on her medications she used to take has more than paid for that.


How To Prevent, Halt or Reverse Diabetes Type II and Type I

Warning: Dangerous Diabetes Drugs
Don't Work
How to Prevent, Halt or Reverse Diabetes with Methods
That Are Natural, Easy ... and Virtually Free

Diabetes Drugs Don't Work D iabetes is the number-one lifestyle disease of modern times, and tens of millions of Americans are being handed prescriptions for anti-diabetic drugs thatdon't work. A large-scale study at Duke University School of Medicine and published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that despite serious risks and dangerous side effects, diabetes drugs offer few benefits and simply don't live up to their claims

Duke researchers found that the combination of the blood-pressure drug Diovan (valsartan) and the anti-diabetes drug Starlix (nateglinide) failed to reduce risk of heart attack at all and that Diovan was only slightly successful in slowing -- but not necessarily preventing -- development of type 2 diabetes.

Furthermore, practically all anti-diabetic drugs result in weight gain and eventual total dependency upon insulin injections, according to researchers Krentz, Nichols, and Gomez-Caminero in 2 recent articles published in Current Medical Research Opinion and Diabetes Obesity Metabolism.

Lead researcher Robert Califf of the Duke study said, "This is a sobering confirmation of the need to continue to focus on lifestyle improvements."

Unfortunately, the medical mainstream has failed miserably to help diabetic patients reverse their diabetes naturally. This failure is inexcusable considering that anyone can reverse type 2 diabetes and stop type 1 diabetes in its tracks in less than 4 weeks with the right plan -- a plan that....

  • Gets your blood sugar under control in 4 weeks
  • Prevent or reverse type 1 diabetes
  • Prevent or reverse type 2 diabetes
  • Eliminates dependence on diabetes drugs
  • Is so inexpensive that it's almost free
  • Is simple and easy to use
  • Has already helped clients and former diabetics all over the world
  • Prevent and/or reverse diabetes, pre-diabetes, syndrome X, and blood sugar woes

Unfortunately, very few diabetics know what actually does work. And that's because most doctors simply lack the necessary training and knowledge to steer their patients in the right direction.

Too many doctors don't even discuss nutrition with their patients, and those who do often make matters worse by advising overly restrictive diets orunrealistic amounts of exercise. A recent paper published by the Society for Biomedical Diabetes Research says, "Diabetic patients encounter . . . confusing and contradictory advice from a variety of sources."

As a result, diabetic patients "exhibit restrictive eating behaviors, they express feelings of dietary deprivation, and rigid dietary control is perceived as the only way to a proper diet and weight management. Binge eating, [excessive] restraint, and body dissatisfaction frequently occur among these patients."

So if you've tried and failed to manage your diabetes naturally, it's not your fault! Doctors and the media do more to confuse than to clarify, and meanwhile the diabetes freight train leaves a staggering path of heartbreaking consequences in its path, such as the following:

  • Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure, nontraumatic lower-limb amputations, and new cases of blindness among adults in the United States.
  • Diabetes is a major cause of heart disease and stroke.
  • Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in the United States.
  • A new report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that at the rate things are going, as many as 1 in 3 U.S. adults will have diabetes by 2050.

"These are alarming numbers that show how critical it is to change the course of type 2 diabetes," said Ann Albright, Ph.D., director of the CDC's Division of Diabetes Translation. "Successful programs to improve lifestyle choices on healthy eating and physical activity must be made more widelyavailable, because the stakes are too high and the personal toll too devastating to fail."

The key phrase here is successful programs. To succeed you need to know exactly how to eat the alkaline and energizing foods you love -- and feel satisfied, while still banishing the symptoms of diabetes. And you need to know about inexpensive alkalizing supplements that help you slash your blood sugar effortlessly, such as . . .

==> The simple alkalizing minerals that lower diabetes risk. Researchers at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill conducted a 20-year study of 4,497 people and found that the risk of diabetes was 47% lower among participants with the highest intake of this mineral than among those with the lowest.

==> A well-loved spice that slashes blood sugar. Test subjects took as little as 1/4 teaspoon of this common spice daily, and nearly all subjects with diabetes showed substantial improvement. And the spice and diabetes were clearly connected because when the spice was no longer consumed, volunteers' blood sugar levels started to rise again.

Obviously, a spice and a mineral alone aren't going to single-handedly reverse your diabetes permanently, but such powerful alkalizing supplements combined with the right effective, easy, and inexpensive natural healing methods can put you on your way to ending diabetes. No drug in the world can do that, no matter what Big Pharma promises. In fact, drugs are often worse than ineffective -- they can even make your life miserable or even be more risky than diabetes itself.

Consider the drug Avandia, once the most popular diabetes drug in the world, which was found in 2008 to dramatically increase risk of heart attacksand death. It took the FDA until last month to finally pull Avandia from the U.S. market.

Another popular diabetes drug, Actos, has its own array of ugly side effects, including average weight gain of nearly 9 pounds and a higher risk of dangerous and possibly deadly fluid buildups. Furthermore, Actos's heart risks may be almost as bad as Avandia's, and some researchers have linked this drug to bladder cancer.

A handful of doctors are getting behind the push to educate patients about what really works to cure diabetes. Dr. Scott Saunders. M.D., says natural approaches are the key. "Studying natural medicine is power," he says, explaining that you can absolutely reverse your diabetes yourself with simple steps that ...

Are fast, painless, safe, and natural

Based on proven home remedies

Have zero negative side effects

Will help you save thousands of dollars in medical bills, drugs, and hospital stays

Will free you from stress and fear of diabetic symptoms

Can halt the degenerative side effects of diabetes

Are safe for type 1 & type 2 diabetes

Will improve your overall health and immune system

If you suffer from diabetes or pre-diabetes, you cannot afford to ignore the truth about how to stop this dangerous degenerative disease. Diabetes can kill you ... if you let it.

But the good news is you don't have to let that happen. And you don't have to fear blindness, heart disease, chronic wounds that won't heal, or even amputation. And you definitely don't have to rely on expensive, dangerous drugs that don't work! You can prevent and/or reverse your diabetes in less than a month when you watch a free, informative video, and see how to fix the real cause of your diabetes ... using natural, safe, and easy methods that are virtually free.

Now you can empower yourself with cutting edge information on healing yourself or your loved ones of diabetes. Watch these free videos and learn to prevent, halt or reverse your diabetes.






Monday, September 26, 2011

Cell Phone Hazards: The End of an Era

The era when cell phones safety was taken for granted is as done as a hotdog on an unwatched backyard grill. The science confirming that pulsed digital microwave radiation from cell phones can be harmful has become stronger and clearer.

In San Francisco where officials have passed a law giving people the basic right to know about cellphone risks, the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA) claims that people will become confused by referring to cell phones as two-way microwave radiating devices and insists that the more benign phrase be used to depict this radiation—radiofrequency energy. In their suit to block this new law, the CTIA claims that all phones are equally safe.

The effort to spin the science on cell phones has a long industry. In 1994, long before cellphones were ubiquitous, University of Washington scientists Henry Lai and N. J. Singh showed that pulsed microwave radiation unraveled DNA in the brain of lab rats. The industry response to this inconvenient finding was straightforward. Some industry representatives sought to keep this research from seeing the light of day and asked the journal that had accepted their research paper to rescind publication. When this failed, Motorola adopted what it described as a “war-gamed” set of public relations initiatives against the results—mobilizing professional public relations experts to cast doubt on the work.

In fact, many studies since then have found that cell phone radiation, whether from older or newer phones, significantly alters brain chemistry and blood flow, weakens the blood brain barrier, releases unusual proteins and causes a host of biological responses. Thus, in 2006, Finnish researchers produced evidence of altered brain energy after cell phone use and in 2002 researchers in Austria presented parallel evidence of other significant changes.

Fast forward to 2011. Accusations of scientific fraud were widely publicized and leveled against a 12-laboratory European collaboration after it found further evidence that cell phone radiation induced biological damage. Yet proof that no fraud occurred has not received similar publicity.

Exonerated by several internal university reviews, recently that work was further strengthened when yet another investigation found no evidence of fraud. Today, hypotheses linking pulsed microwave radiation from cell phones to various types of biological damage are moving from the rarified world of little known research to the foundation for landmark shifts in public perception and, ultimately, life-saving policies in Israel, France, Finland, and many other nations. In fact, the World Health Organization expert review of the topic in May 2011 advised that cellphone and other forms of wireless radiation should be regarded as a possible human carcinogen.

Based on its own review of the matter, the President’s Cancer Panel in 2010, drawing on what it heard from experts in the field about growing rates of rare tumors that could be tied with cell phones, called for both serious research and precautionary actions on cell phones and other wireless devices. Yet the rest of the government has not received that memo.

In advising that cellphones should be used cautiously with headsets and speakerphones and that children should limit use altogether, WHO experts are in accord with the authors of the Fifteen Reasons for Concern about Cell Phones and Brain Tumors ( and recent reports from neurosurgeons in Australia Charles Teo and Vini Khurauna, in Britain, Kevin O’Neill and in the U.S., Santosh Kesari and Keith Black.

Here’s what the FCC website says about Children and Cell phones as of February 1, 2011: “The scientific evidence does not show a danger to any users of cell phones from RF exposure, including children and teenagers.”

It is time for a change.

Say NO to cell phones and No to WiFi

Electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) or electro pollution from cell phones and other electronic equipment, including computers, hair dryers and especially electrical cars is more harmful to the human body than smoking cigarettes.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Why Eating Meat and Cheese Is Making Your Body Dangerously Over-Acid Leading To Sickness and Disease Including Diabetes and/or Cancer!

Twenty-Five Scientific Points In Understanding Dr. Young's "New Biology" and Why Eating Meat and Cheese Is Making Your Body Dangerously Over-Acid Leading To Sickness and Disease Including Diabetes and Cancer!

The following scientific discourse are twenty-five important points to understand concerning the creation of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and hydrochloric acid (HCL) in the stomach lining, the ingestion of protein, cheese and sugar in any form and how acid/alkaline biochemistry, physiology, and anatomy relate to health, sickness, and disease.

Unfortunately, contemporary medical doctors and scientists as well as alternative health practitioners do not understand how acid/base are created in the body and the onset of latent tissue acidosis in the colloidal connective tissue or the "Schade". Welcome to the 21st century and Dr. Young's "New Biology."

How is acid/base created in the body?

1) The parietal or cover cells of the stomach split the sodium chloride of the blood. The sodium is used to bind with water and carbon dioxide to form the alkaline salt, sodium bicarbonate or NaHCO3. The biochemistry is: H20 + CO2 + NaCl = NaHCO3 + HCL. This is why a call the stomach an alkalizing organ NOT an organ of digestion. The stomach DOES NOT digest the food or liquids you ingest it alkalizes the food and liquid you ingest.

2) For each molecule of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) made, a molecule of hydrochloric acid (HCL) is made and secreted into the so-called digestive system - specifically, the stomach (the gastric pits in the stomach) - to be eliminated. Therefore HCL is an acidic waste product of sodium bicarbonate created by the stomach to alkalize the food and liquids ingested.

3) The chloride ion from the sodium chloride (salt) binds to an acid or proton forming HCL as a waste product of sodium bicarbonate production. HCL has a pH of 1 and is highly toxic to the body and the cause of indigestion, acid reflux, ulcers and cancer.

4) When large amounts of acids, including HCL, enter the stomach from a rich animal protein or dairy product meal, such as meat and cheese, acid is withdrawn from the acid-base household. The organism would die if the resulting alkalosis - or NaHCO3 (base flood) or base surplus - created by the stomach was not taken up by the alkalophile glands that need these quick bases in order to build up their strong sodium bicarbonate secretions. These glands and organs are the stomach, pancreas, Brunner's glands (between the pylorus and the junctions of the bile and pancreatic ducts), Lieberkuhn's glands in the liver and its bile with its strong acid binding capabilities which it has to release on the highly acidic meat and cheese to buffer its strong acids of nitric, sulphuric, phosphoric, uric and lactic acids.

5) When a rich animal protein and dairy product meal is ingested, the stomach begins to manufacture and secrete sodium bicarbonate (NHCO3) to alkalize the acids from the food ingested. This causes a loss in the alkaline reserves and an increase in acid and/or HCL found in the gastric pits of the stomach. These acids and/or HCL are taken up by the blood which lowers blood plasma pH. The blood eliminates this increase in gastrointestinal acid by throwing it off into the Pishinger's spaces.

6) The space enclosed by these finer and finer fibers is called the Pishinger's space, or the extracellular space that contains the fluids that bath and feed each and every cell while carrying away the acidic waste from those same cells. There is no mention of this organ in American physiology text books. There is mention of the extracellular space but not of any organ that stores acids from metabolism and diet, like the kidney. I call this organ the "pre-kidney" because it stores metabolic and gastrointestinal acids until they can be buffered and eliminated via the skin, urinary tract, or bowels.

7) After a rich animal protein or dairy product meal, the urine pH becomes alkaline. The ingestion of meat and cheese causes a reaction in acidic fashion in the organism by the production of sulfuric, phosporhoric, nitric, uric, lactic, acetylaldehyde and ethanol acids, respectively, but also through the formation and excretion of base in the urine. Therefore eating meat and cheese causes a double loss of bases leading to tissue acidosis and eventual disease, especially inflammation and degenerative diseases.

8) During heavy exercise, if the the resulting lactic acid was not adsorbed by the collagen fibers, the specific acid catchers of the body, the organism would die. The total collection of these fibers is the largest organ of the body called SCHADE, the colloidal connective tissue organ. NO liquid exchange occurs between the blood and the parenchyma cells, or in reverse, unless it passes through this connective tissue organ. This organ connects and holds everything in our bodies in place. This organ is composed of ligaments, tendons, sinew, and the finer fibers that become the scaffolding that holds every single cell in our bodies in place. When acids are stored in this organ, which includes the muscles, inflammation and pain develop. The production of lactic acid is increased with the ingestion of milk, cheese, yogurt, butter and especially ice cream.

That is why I have stated, "acid is pain and pain is acid." You cannot have one without the other. This is the beginning of latent tissue acidosis leading to irritation, inflammation and degeneration of the cells, tissues and organs.

9) The more acidity created from eating meat, cheese, milk or ice cream the more gastrointestinal acids are adsorbed into the the collagen fibers to be neutralized and the less sodium bicarbonate or NaHCO3 that is taken up by the alkalophile glands. The larger the potential difference between the adsorbed acids and the amount of NaHCO3 generated with each meal, the more or less alkaline are the alkalophile glands like the pancreas, gallbladder, pylorus glands, blood, etc. The acid binding power of the connective tissue, the blood, and the alkalophile glands depends on its alkali reserve, which can be determined through blood, urine, and saliva pH, including live and dried blood analysis as taught by Dr. Robert O. Young. The saliva pH is an indication of alkali reserves in the alkalophile glands and the urine pH is an indication of the pH of the fluids that surround the cells or the Pishinger's space.

10) The iso-structure of the blood maintains the pH of the blood by pushing off gastrointestinal or metabolic acids into the connective tissue or the Pishinger's space. The blood gives to the urine the same amount of acid that it receives from the tissues and liver so it can retain its iso-form. A base deficiency is always related to the deterioration of the deposit ability of the connective tissues or the Pishinger's space. As long as the iso-structure of the blood is maintained, the urine - which originates from the blood - remains a faithful reflected image of the acid-base regulation, not of the blood, but of the tissues. The urine therefore is an excretion product of the tissues, not the blood. So when you are testing the pH of the urine, you are testing the pH of the tissues.

11) A latent "acidosis" is the condition that exists when there are not enough bases in the alkalophile glands because they have been used up in the process of neutralizing the acids adsorbed to the collagen fibers. This leads to compensated "acidosis." This means the blood pH has not changed but other body systems have changed. This can then lead to decompensated "acidosis" where the alkaline reserves of the blood are used up and the pH of the blood is altered. Decompensated "acidosis" can be determined by testing the blood pH, urine pH and the saliva pH. The decrease in the alkaline reserves in the body occurs because of hyper-proteinization, (eating Meat and Cheese!)or too much protein, and hyper-carbonization, or too much sugar. This is why 80 to 90 year old folks are all shrunk up and look like prunes. They have very little or no alkaline reserves in their alkalophile glands. When all the alkaline minerals are gone, so are you and your battery runs down. The charge of your cellular battery can be measured by testing the ORP or the oxidative reduction potential of the blood, urine or saliva using an ORP meter. As you become more acidic this energy potential or ORP increases.

12) If there is not enough base left over after meat and cheese or surgary meal, or enough base to neutralize and clear the acids stored in the connective tissues, a relative base deficiency develops which leads to latent tissue acidosis. When this happens the liver and pancreas are deficient of adequate alkaline juices to ensure proper alkalization of the food in your stomach and small intestine.

13) Digestion or alkalization cannot proceed without enough of these alkaline juices for the liver and pancreas, etc., and so the stomach has to produce more acid in order to make enough base, ad nauseam, and one can develop indigestion, nausea, acid reflux, GERD, ulcers, esophageal cancer and stomach cancer. All of these symptoms are not the result of too much acid or HCL in the stomach. On the contrary, it is the result of too little base in the form of sodium bicarbonate!

14) Therefore the stomach is NOT an organ of digestion as currently taught in ALL biology and medical texts, BUT an organ of contribution or deposit. It's function is to deposit alkaline juices to the stomach to alkalize the food and to the blood to carry to the alklophile glands!!!!

15) There is a daily rhythm to this acid base ebb and flow of the fluids of the body. The stored acids are mobilized from the connective tissues and Pishinger's spaces while we sleep.
These acids reach their maximum (base tide) concentration in this fluid, and thereby the urine (around 2 a.m. is the most acidic). The acid content of the urine directly reflects the acid content of the fluid in the Pishinger's spaces, the extracellular fluid compartments of the body. On the other hand, the Pishinger's spaces become most alkaline around 2 p.m. (the base flood) as then the most sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) is being generated by the cover cells of the stomach to alkalize the food and drink we have ingested.

16) If your urine is not alkaline by 2 p.m. you are definitely in an ACIDIC condition and lacking in alkaline reserves. The pH of the urine should run between 6.8 and 8.4 but ideally 7.2 or greater.

17) After a high protein meal or meat or cheese, the free acids formed such as sulfuric, phosphoric, uric, and nitric acids stick to the collagen fibers to remove them from the blood and protect the delicate pH of the blood at 7.365. The H+ or proton ions from these acids are neutralized by the next base flood, the sodium bicarbonate produced after the meal. The H+ or proton ion combines with the carbonate or HCO3, converts to carbonic acid, H2CO3, which converts to CO2 and H2O. The sulfuric and other acids from proteins are neutralized as follows where the HR represents any acid with the R as its acid radical (SO4, PO4, or NO3) HR + NaHCO3 <=> H2O + NaR (Ca, Mg, K)+ CO2.

18) Medical doctors and savants are not taught in medical school and therefore do not understand or recognize latent tissue acidosis. They understand and recognize compensated acidosis and decompensated acidosis. In compensated acidosis, breathing increases in order to blow off more carbonic acid which decreases PCO2 because of the lowered carbonate or HCO3. When the breathing rate can no longer get any faster and when the kidneys can no longer increase its' function to keep up with the acid load, then the blood pH starts to change from a pH of 7.365 to 7.3 then to 7.2. At a blood pH of 6.95 the heart relaxes and the client goes into a coma or dies.

19) Metabolism of a normal adult diet results in the generation of 50 to 100 meq of H+ or proton per day, which must be excreted if the urine acid-base balance is to be maintained. A meq is a milliequivalent which is an expression of concentration of substance per liter of solution, calculated by dividing the concentration in milligrams per 100 milliliters by the molecular weight. This process involves two basis steps; 1) the reabsorption of the filtered sodium bicarbonate or NaHCO3 and, 2) excretion of the 50 to 100 meq of H+ or proton produced each day by the formation of titratable acidity and NH4+ or ammonium. Both steps involve H+ or proton secretion from the cells of the kidney into the urine.

20) Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) must be reabsorbed into the blood stream, since the loss of NaHCO3 will increase the net acid load and lower the plasma NaHCO3 concentration. The loss of NaHCO3 in the urine is equivalent to the addition of H+ to the body since both are derived from the dissociation of H2CO3 or carbonic acid.

21) The biochemistry is: CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 = HCO3 + H+. The normal subject must reabsorb 4300 meq of NaHCO3 each day! The secreted H+ or proton ions are generated within the kidney cells from the dissociation of H2O or water. This process also results in the equimolar production OH- or hydroxyl ions. The OH- ions bind to the active zinc-containing site of the intracellular carbonic anhydrase; they then combine with CO2 to form HCO3- ions which are released back into the kidney cells and returned to the systemic circulation. Second, the dietary acid load is excreted by the secretion of H+ or proton ions from the kidney cells into the urine. These H+ or proton ions can do one of two things: the H+ or proton ions can be combined with the urinary buffers, particularly HPO4, in a process called titratable acidity (The biochemistry is: H+ + HPO4 = H2PO4), or the phosphate buffering system or the H+ or proton ions can combine with ammonia (NH3) to form ammonium as follows: NH3 + H+ = NH4.

22) This ammonia is trapped and concentrated in the kidney as ammonium which is then excreted in the urine.

23) In response to acid load, 36% of the H+ or proton goes intracellular in exchange for the release of Na+ (sodium) into the blood stream. 15% of the acid goes intracellular in exchange for K+ (potassium) - common in diabetics. 6% of the H+ or proton or acid goes directly into the cell to be buffered by intracellular processes. 43% is buffered extracellularly as NaHCO3- or sodium bicarbonate combining with H+ or proton to form H2CO3 or carbonic acid which breaks down to CO2 or carbon dioxide to be released by the lungs. 10% of CO2 or carbon dioxide is excreted through the lungs and 90% is used by the body to reabsorb alkaline minerals and make sodium bicarbonate for buffering gastrointestinal and metabolic acids.

The biochemistry is: CO2 + H2O = H2CO3 = HCO3 + H+.

24) Of all the ways the body can buffer metabolic and dietary acids, the excretion of protein (the eating of meat and cheese) generated acid residues is the only process that does not add sodium bicarbonate back into blood circulation. This creates a loss of bases which is the forerunner of all sickness and disease. In the long run, the only way to replace these lost bases is by eating more alkaline electron-rich green foods and long-chain polyunsaturated fats. Eating meat and cheese is definitely hazardous to your health. That is why I say, "a cucumber a day keeps the doctor away while eating meat, cheese and even an apple creates more excess acid in the colloidal connective tissues, leading to latent tissue acidosis.

25) With over 30 years of research and testing over 500,000 samples of blood and over 1,000,000 samples of urine and saliva I have come to the conclusion that the Human Body is an acid producing organism by function - yet, it is an alkaline organism by design. Eating animal protein, especially meat and cheese and sugar from any source are deadly acidic choices - unless you interested in becoming sick, tired and fat over time.

Bottom line - the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet is a program that focuses on the foundational principal that the body is alkaline by design and yet acidic by function. This make this program the ultimate program for preventing and reversing aging and the onset of sickness and dis-ease. I would say that the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet is the diet for a longer healthier life.

Please remember this very important truth, hydrochloric acid is not the cause of digestion but the result of digestion. Start alkalizing today and begin improving the quality and quantity of your life today.

To learn more about the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet go to: and

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dr Young Will Present At The Alkaline Water Congress In Milan, Italy

Dr Robert O Young will be presenting at the Alcaline Water Congress in Milan, Italy, on October 29th, 2011.

The time of the Congress 'Acidosis and Degenerative Pathologies: The Role of Alcaline Water,' is fast approaching. The Congress will take place in Milan, Italy, on October 29th to October 31st.

There will be over 200 scientists attending the Congress from around the world attending the Congress.

My presentation will come immediately after Professor Luc Montagnier, Nobel Laureate for his discovery of the HIV antibody, and will be
presenting, "Infectious Factors and Water in Chronic Disease."

My presentation is entitled "Ionized Alkaline Water and Prevention of Degenerative Diseases," scheduled around 10:00 am on October 29th, 2011. I will present my foundational theory that the body is alkaline by design and acidic by function and how alkaline water can prevent and reverse chronic disease - even cancer.

I will also be announcing the release of our latest edition of The pH Miracle Revised and Updated book in Italian now being distributed and sold in every major book store in Italy.

The Italian scientific community is beginning to embrace my research and work and it is being presented at the highest level. My tour of Italy will continue until November 13th, 2001 with lectures at every major University in Italy, including Florence, Bologna, and Rome.

The time has now come when medical science around the world is embracing the alkaline work and research I have been engaged in for over 30 years. This is an exciting time because more people around the world are being helped with my "New Biology" - a new way of living, eating and thinking.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I Thought You Would Like To Know - The pH Miracle Lifestyle Works!

From: "Wayne" <>
Date: September 17, 2011 4:39:46 PM GMT-08:00
To: "pHMiracle Center Customer Service" <>
Subject: I thought you would like to know

As the subject line notes, I want to testify. My son made me aware of your web site and a new way of living around December or January sometime. They had been on the plan you suggest and where having good results. But I thought not another new fad diet and whished them well but I told them It’s not for me. I’m sixty seven and I’ve really been on them all. Form good old Weight Watchers to living on a Liquid Diet that was 800 cal. a day for ten months' straight, or eating nothing but protein and many more.
I was 406 pounds at that this time and was taking seventeen prescriptions drugs and five or six supplements which was suggested by my Doctor when my son who is twenty one years younger then me started following me down the path of Doctor’s and pills for the same things as me, lost weight and got off all the medications he was on, he finally got my attention.
I started reading at your site and others, began making changes in my eating habits about February , I’m still not 100% on the plan. I still smoke, drink decaffeinated coffee, Starbucks frozen mocha and a Big Mac attack and so on, every week to ten day’s or so but it’s getting to be less and less.
Now more to the point, I’ve lost close to a hundred pounds, stopped all medications and supplements and feel better than I have in a very long time. I’m retired and on a fixed income, so If I’m going to spend the money I was on the Doctors and medicine's, I would rather spend that money on myself, good food, new clothes and so on. I haven’t spent much money at your site, I’m sorry but I have bought and read several of you and your wife’s books thru Amozon. When I tell other’s about your web site I tell them that there is a lot of good information and products and that they can spend from $0 to as much as they want and get good results.
I believe I was circling the drain the first of this year. My son told me recently that he had been worried about me back then and had noticed that my eyes and skin where starting to get “that” yellow look to them.
Well, I know when a person is trying to help that it’s easy to feel like good old John crying out in the wilderness. I thought I’d let you know you have been heard. Along with this my Doctor that has seen all of the progress ask me to lend him your books to read and I know of one young lady that was put on a alkaline diet for a problem she was having by a different Doctor in the area.
Thankfully yours,
Wayne Grigsby

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Passing The Acid Test - London Sunday Times Article


Acid foods and drinks will leach important nutrients such as calcium and magnesium, which are necessary for bone and muscle formation. It’s really about mineral loss”.

There’s worse, though. “What we’ve learnt from so many people all over the world is that inflammation is the mother of disease, and a lot of that inflammation is caused by high acidity,” says the trainer James Duigan of Bodyism. “That acidity comes from the way we eat, because we don’t chew enough, as well as what we do — sitting at computer screens, yelling. It all creates an acidic environment in the body. Plus, the foods that we tend to gravitate to, such as a lot of red meat and processed junk food, are nutritionally quite acidic.”

Duigan advocates a “clean and lean” approach to food, which includes going alkaline. “I think if we understood the very real and immediate consequences of what we eat, we would be far more mindful of what that is,” he says. And it needn’t be complicated. “Eat green vegetables. Green is good.” If that is hard to achieve every day, start with lemon and hot water in the morning (it may be counterintuitive but lemon, though acidic in taste, is alkaline in its ash; in other words, once broken down in the digestive system, it behaves in an alkaline fashion). Like Edgson, Duigan has focused on creative options and developed Beauty Food, a powder supplement packed full of greeny goodness that you mix with water, because, “you can talk till you’re blue in the face about eating green veg and good foods, but very few people will go and do it”.

Some will, though, and they seem to reap the rewards. One of them is Gloria Halim, who has written a book (with nutritionist Samantha Russo) called Healing Foods, Healthy Foods (Spring Hill £9.99). Diagnosed with breast cancer, she decided she wanted “to find out if there was a link between health and what we eat”. During treatment, she felt she “had no control over anything”, and though her doctors told her she could eat whatever she wanted, she felt that “didn’t seem right”. It was after watching an episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show, which looked at preventing rather than treating disease and the effect the environment, stress and food have on our bodies, that she decided her diet “was somewhere I could gain control. I was eating a lot of sugar and junk food”. She changed things totally and is now, after receiving conventional treatment and following her rigorous diet, free from the disease.


Perhaps we should get one thing clear first: advocates of going alkaline don’t want any connection with the word “diet”. No, no, no. Because alkaline is (for the most part) about the connection between the food we put in our mouths and our health, rather than our weight or outward appearance. So, they insist, it’s more about a lifestyle, making smart choices and, as the nutritionist Vicki Edgson puts it, “a body and mind in balance. Weight-loss diets are temporary, but with this you’re changing your life, it’s ongoing, every day. We must be more aware of our bodies”. Alkaline is the new health buzz word — this year’s vitamin D, if you will.

The virtues of alkaline eating were first extolled by Dr Robert Young in his American bestseller, The PH Miracle. “I was doing research into the effect of diet and lifestyle on blood, and realized there was a correlation between what we were eating and how we were living, and how it impacted on the chemistry of the fluids of the body,” he says. “The human body is alkaline by design, but all its functions produce acid. So our need for alkaline is constant and what we eat and drink helps to buffer the acids that we produce.” Young himself now follows an alkaline diet — he’s a vegetarian and doesn’t eat dairy or high-sugar fruits; he even puts alkaline drops in his coffee to neutralise its acidity. “We have patients in more than 72 countries who have reversed Type 2 diabetes or breast or prostate cancer,” he says. The perfect pH should be 7.35 to 7.45 — that’s out of a range of 14, with 1 being the most acidic.

Now his ethos is taking hold in Britain, as people are becoming far more alkaline-aware, with a host of alkaline-assisting services springing up. Radiance Cleanse, which delivers fresh juice detoxes that last three or five days, has introduced its alkaline Greens Cleanse. Edgson, meanwhile, has teamed up with the chef Natasha Corrett to launch Honestly Healthy, which will deliver freshly made meals that are both alkaline and vegetarian to your door. “I never thought I’d hear myself say this,” she says, “but it is so much better for most people to be on a largely vegetarian regime. This is particularly true for women, who have what I call stubborn fat, because they’re eating too much animal protein, which is high in saturated fat and very acid-forming in the body.”

Acidity is the enemy. “Our bodies can be in a very acidic state, which is usually caused by food choices such as alcohol and coffee, and stress and negative emotions such as anger, fear and anxiety,” Edgson says. All these things overload the body so that “during the detox function, the body will go through a detox.


to medicinal spices, a sort of starter guide to nutrition, but going alkaline was an important step. Her old food routine had been “stressing out the body; it was overworking just to get rid of the toxins and bacteria”. Now, she says, on the rare occasion she decides to eat a piece of cake,

Avocado; leafy green vegetables; pearl barley; grains such as quinoa and lentils are more alkaline than acidic; oats are neutral; green and white tea; fatty fish; most nuts; berries; lemons; tomatoes; watermelons; broccoli; spinach; kale; asparagus; beetroot
Red meat; wheat; cheese; cream and milk; coffee; alcohol; peanuts; cashew and pistachio nuts; seafood (excluding oily fish); biscuits; refined sugar; eggs “It’s not the end of the world if you want to go and have cake or a glass of wine, just learn how to counteract it with one portion of alkaline food.” NatashaCorrett

“Learn to substitute foods — using lemon juice instead of vinegar, for example.” Dr Robert Young
IT MAY BE COUNTERINTUITIVE, BUT LEMON, THOUGH ”Have grains in your food; they’re like the digestive brush for your insides and really help to sweep things out and get everything working properly.” NatashaCorrett

“I know I’m detoxing the next day”. Corrett is equally evangelical. When her back went into spasm a year ago, her mother (that’s Kelly Hoppen, FYI) told her to go and see the Ayurvedic practitioner Nish Joshi, who instantly told her she was too acidic and suggested she go on his holistic detox, based on alkalizing the body. She was an instant convert: “I lost weight without even trying, I felt brighter, had far more energy, my skin was brighter. Plus, you stop craving sugar because your blood-sugar levels are more balanced. Even the ridges in my nails have gone; it really did change the way
I looked at food.”

“Alkaline is here to stay,” says Edgson. “People will realize they feel fabulous on it: they’ll sleep better, feel brighter, and their memory will be more focused because they’re in a much more vital state.” Vital and much more likely to be fighting fit. ␣ 

For recipes to get you started on an alkaline regime, go to the or to

Monday, September 12, 2011

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All kinds of clothing such as fashion trends all the time you make children's clothing, it must be remembered, is that if there is too cold. Ideally, l ', cut and style trends of the season and the year is always the main, punk-care, urban look, gothic clothing for children and for the search object model, not you, that was illustrated with children's clothing. This season, winter, fall, spring and summer, the broken line.