Sunday, December 20, 2009

Eating Nuts May Prevent Cancerous Lungs and Prostate

The appended article below indicates that nuts, particularly pistashio nuts, will help prevent Lung Cancer and Prostate Cancer, etc., etc. I have long recommended that a healthy alkaline diet should contain a wide array of nuts and nut milks, including almond, hazel, pecan, macadamea, and pine nut, just to name a few. I have also suggested for years that nuts be sprouted and also juiced before ingested because they are so hard if not impossible to digest.

The following article is just more evidence of the efficacy of my adivice.

In love and light,

Dr. Robert O. Young

----------------------Appended Message----------------------------------

Daily Dose of Nuts Reduces Cancer Risk
December 10, 2009

(Ivanhoe Newswire) -- A diet that incorporates a daily dose of pistachios may help reduce the risk of lung and other cancers.

"It is known that vitamin E provides a degree of protection against certain forms of cancer,” Ladia M. Hernandez, M.S., R.D., L.D., senior research dietitian in the Department of Epidemiology at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, was quoted as saying. Higher intakes of gamma-tocopherol, a form of vitamin E, may reduce the risk of lung cancer.

"Pistachios are a good source of gamma-tocopherol,” said Hernandez. “Eating them increases intake of gamma-tocopherol so pistachios may help to decrease lung cancer risk."

Pistachios are known to be heart-healthy. They have a cholesterol-lowering effect and provide the antioxidants typically found in food products of plant origin. Hernandez and colleagues conducted a six-week, controlled clinical trial to determine whether the consumption of pistachios would increase serum levels of gamma-tocopherol.

"Because epidemiologic studies suggest gamma-tocopherol is protective against prostate cancer, pistachio intake may help," she said. "Other food sources that are a rich source of gamma-tocopherol include nuts such as peanuts, pecans, walnuts, soybean and corn oils."

The study, conducted at Texas Woman's University -- Houston Center, included 36 healthy participants who were randomized into either a control group or the intervention group, which ate a pistachio diet. After an initial baseline period, the intervention group was given about 2 ounces of pistachios per day. The control group continued with their normal diet.

Hernandez and colleagues found a significant increase in energy-adjusted dietary intake of gamma-tocopherol at weeks three and four in those on the pistachio diet. For those on the pistachio diet, cholesterol-adjusted serum gamma-tocopherol was significantly higher at the end of the intervention period. "Pistachios are one of those 'good-for-you' nuts, and 2 ounces per day could be incorporated into dietary strategies designed to reduce the risk of lung cancer without significant changes in body mass index," said Hernandez.

SOURCE: Presented at the American Association for Cancer Research Frontiers in Cancer

Prevention Research Conference, Houston, TX, December 6-9, 2009