Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Prevent and/or Reverse Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

How to fix the one thing doctors do NOT understand...
so you never lose a limb, go blind, or die early.

Plus, what you’re not being told about diabetes:

Stop taking insulin…

If you are overweight and have type II diabetes.

The root cause of diabetes…

It’s not high blood sugar.

96 percent of all cases of diabetes…

Can be treated and reversed naturally with The pH Miracle Diabetes Lifestyle and Diet!

The statistics are scary. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

  • 24 million people in the United States now have diabetes—an increase of 3 million over the past two years.
  • There are also 57 million more people who have pre-diabetes.
  • And almost 25 percent are over the age of 60.
  • Read the pH Miracle for Diabetes for preventing and reversing Type II and Type I diabetes by Dr. Robert and Shelley Young.
  • www.phmiracleliving.com for more information on reversing diabetes.
  • Watch a youtube video at: http://www.youtube.com/user/pHMiracleCenter#p/u/10/-LFFQawEWS4

Don’t suffer or worry one minute longer—
it’s your turn to be done with diabetes!