Sunday, May 13, 2012

My Guilty Pleasures

My Guilty Pleasures, fashion jewelry, wholesale womens shoes, pastry and more

All of us share some moments where we feel so down, ugly, fat and all. And as most girls do, its either we munch some sweets or go shopping. Well I don’t go, actually I’m avoiding pigging over comfort foods like cakes, pastries, chocolates, fried chicken and other sweets or whatever food that can bring comfort on me, so I decided to go out even though I feel so ugly, and I literally look ugly wearing torn, faded jeans, flip flops and loose shirt, hair in a lose ponytail and face covered with baby powder.

So there, I reached the mall, eat my lunch and started window shopping. As I was walking from aisle to aisle, touching every display that caught my attention, checking the prices then suddenly I can’t prevent the monster inside me.

It’s a mall wide sale! I wanted to curse under my breath after realizing that. Going outside the village was such a very bad decision.  I should have just pig over some ice cream on the fridge and hit the gym the next day or take a walk around the village.

The monster inside me is telling me to go grab the items I want and pay it on the nearest counter. And so the weak me grab the things I really like, I mean really, really like. And although I’m such a shopping freak that day I remember checking their prices, inspecting my hazy mind if I already have that item in my closet and thinking twice before putting it in the shopping basket.

And here’s my guilty pleasure.

My Guilty Pleasure Fashion Jewelry and Bags

Well I don't know what items the other girls loved, but this three I really love specially the white and blue one and I cant decide which to pick, not to mention its on sale and it's a designer bag, I grab the chance and buy this three. You see for the price of one I got three. So happy!

My Guilty Pleasure wholesale womens shoes

You think after buying those lovely bags I stopped? No! The funny thing is, I was about to go out before I ran out of cash but this shoes are really enticing, I even wore the neon blue before I got out of the mall.

My Guilty Pleasure Fashion Jewelry and Makeup

I got this for 75 percent off the original price plus a makeup bag, a small flower printed bag that I found so sophisticated which my sister took and considered her's. Oh! she also took the things inside which means nothing is left for me but the receipt.

My Guilty Pleasure wholesale womens shoes and Victoria's Secret Summer Dress

Summer dress for summer preparation. Fourth of July will be a long holiday, we are planning of going to the beach so there.

My Guilty Pleasure, sweets, wholesale womens shoes, fashion jewelry, bags etc

In the end I got so tired and hungry I go straight to a pastry shop and order a mango crepe.