Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Garnet and January

garnet, birthstone jewelry
Those who are born on January share the same birthstonewhich is Garnet or granatum in Greek, meaning “pomegranate seed”. It is a deepred-almost like a blazing stone, which is why Garnet is a fire element, a stonethat represents “Love and Devotion, Faith and Sincerity”.

Although the most common color for this birthstone jewelryis blood red, there is in fact a wide array of red shades. Pyrope is the mostintense red colored garnet while Almandrite is a deep red with a brownundertone. Spessartite is the combined or somewhat in the shades of red, brownand orange while Rhodorite ‘s shade is raspberry to purple. This happens whenPryrope and Almandrite is combined together with some iron.

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